Mountain Life in Colorado: Skiing Corkscrew

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Skiing Corkscrew

Today I hiked with my husband.  We hardly ever ski together anymore and as he left the house at 6:40am, to get the kids to the bus, he yelled up to me to "get your ski gear on and be ready to hike something!" 
I sat on the couch, drinking my coffee and made my mind up that I was too tired.  Then, a minute later, I decided that I was lame and needed to get some exercise.  No excuses. 
He got home a half hour later and I was eating eggs, all dressed in my ski clothes, ready to go.  I think he was a little blown away that I got my act together at 7 in the morning.  Never happens. 
We left and drove down to our mailbox in Montezuma, parked the car on main street and started hiking.  The temp was 18 degrees and it was partly cloudy.  After 30 minutes, I shed my jacket, hat, and put on my spring gloves.  We got up to treeline and I felt great.  Jack kept on hiking and hiking, as usual.  Every time I thought we were there, he would crank out another 10 minutes.  FINALLY!!!  THE TOP!!!  It took us 2 hours.  Time to take off our skins and look at the situation and pick our lines and ski.  But first, we had to wait for a sunspot.  So, now, we waited.  The sun finally did come through the clouds and I went first.  The one thing about skiing Corkscrew is that once you get in there you are completely committed.  If it slides you are going with it and as I made my first turn I was just praying that the snow was stable and it wasn't going to crack on me.  I knew if it did sluff, it would be a surface sluff and I could go straight, as we talked about, and I would hopefully not fall.  I made 3 or 4 turns and the skiing was incredible.  I mean INCREDIBLE!!!
I was getting face shots every turn and the snow was perfect.  I felt safe and sound and happy.   I came around the corner and waited for Jack and he came down skiing getting face shots and hooting and hollering.  It was crazy good. 
When we got to the bottom we were blown away and both of us were looking up at what we had just skied.  We skied aprox. 3200 feet of fresh, deep, untracked powder.  Just the two of us.  What a day.  And, we were home by 11:30am.  I had to meet some friends for lunch in Frisco and called to let them know I was running a little late.  I got showered and dressed in 20 minutes and started driving to Frisco.  It was snowing so hard by the time I crossed the damn road.  It was surreal. 

I still can't believe we have these mountains literally out our front, back and side doors.   We are so lucky to get to enjoy them all year round.  Can't wait for mountain bike season.  I kept thinking of it as we were hiking today.  It's hard to see that summer ever comes.  We are still buried in snow. 

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