Mountain Life in Colorado: Our Candle Lit Pizza Party

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our Candle Lit Pizza Party

Well, the pizza was to die for. We ate pizza in candlelight since the power was off for most of the night. Everytime it rains hard here, which is every other day, sometimes everyday, the power goes off. Really not a hassle now that we have our candles in place and headlamps easy to get to. If you're not prepared, it's not fun. Now we are always prepared. Bring it on.

I decided to ride to the beach and look at the waves while the kids were here playing on the computer. Liad and Idan, Jordan and Hannah were wanting to go to the Mauna Loa to swim but Jack had the 4th bike because he rode out to the lot. The ocean was beautiful and it was nice to watch the surfers. I rode down to the Mauna Loa to see of Liz was working and I would visit for a bit. She wasn't so I said hello to Gustavo and chatted a bit and was on my way. I didn't get but a few pedals down the road and it started to rain. I was thinking it was going to just sprinkle. What was I thinking?? Sprinkle?? During rainy season in Costa Rica?? HA! It was a downpour as usual which always makes the riding that much more interesting. I got home, soaking wet, and the kids were wondering what happened to me. I told them to stop laughing and take a picture. Jack still wasn't home so I knew he was riding in this as well. Shortly after I got out of the shower he got home and was laughing. Pura Vida!
He was not expecting anything to be done on the lot but much to his surprise, he got there and 36 fencepost holes were dug. Each hole was about 1 meter deep. These guys dug the holes by hand. Tomorrow, the materials get ordered. A very good sight for Jack when he rode up on his bike. Things are happening here. We totally are surprised at our luck. Things are coming together and it is so crazy to imagine we will have a fence around the land soon. I can't wait to get more pictures.
I'm stuffed. The pizza is settling and the power is now back. Time to read for a bit.
Hasta Manana

I love my new camera. It really captures blackouts with the flash. You'd never know we didn't have any lights.


Jan said...

what kind of camera did you get? I got my new one about a year ago. Love it, Nikon D5000 :)
Great soppin' wet pic hef. made me laugh!
The girls looked like they were having a blast w/their pals. FUN FUN FUN!
Can you imagine if those workers came to the US and listened to whiney Unionized workers?? oh man.

Anonymous said...

finally got online to read your bogs. You have been busy! What a writer, I am impressed. What a great time you are having, sounds fun and adventuresome. I am quite jealous. Miss you! kay

Anonymous said...

I am confused as to how to leave a comment, duh!! Trying again. finally got online and read the blog. What an adventure and experience for you all. Sounds like everyone is doing great and I am impressed by the amount of writing you have done hef. I hate to write. Hi to the family and don't forget to remind Jordan about condoms, alan always reminds whitney. Love you and miss you, Kay

Anonymous said...

Condoms.... I'm sure you can pick those up in Santa Cruz on your next stop!!

hefr said...


shit for brains said...

Condoms in the mail! Along with some sea salt!
We missed you at the parade...don't feel bad for us 50 and snowing. Don't you want to come watch the fireworks

hefr said...

Kay, love that you are reading.

Shit for Brains. Who are you? I do feel bad for the 50 and snowing. Really? Honestly?

hefr said...

Jan, I bought an Olympus Stylus Tough. Waterproof, shockproof, freezeproof. It's great.

shit for brains(liz) said...

hi hef...shit for brains is Liz Dux....we miss you. Watching the Boston Pops 4th of july on tv....its really not snowing but it is cold and crappy. Awesome day today.....we rode our bikes to Frisco and i sent a pic of kay deba and i......
miss you