Mountain Life in Colorado: Domestic Life

Monday, August 2, 2010

Domestic Life

I feel like we’ve settled into a pretty domestic life here at the nice house. I do a lot of cooking (and cleaning) and we are living a normal life here. It’s something I could get used to. Although I have gained a couple of pounds back, darnit. Living in the Casita was more work and even though I don’t have a scale, I brought my skinny shorts with and now fit into them. Yesterday I put them on and felt a little snugness. It’s time to start riding my bike a bit more.
My guilty conscious wouldn’t let me be fine with having Liad and Idan over knowing how the owners felt about it so I emailed them and asked permission for us to have them over once in awhile. I explained that since we don’t have a phone the only way for them to get a hold of us is to ride down and see if we’re around. I said that Jordan and Hannah have made great friends with them and I find them to be very respectful and nice kids. They got back to me and gave us the big thumbs down on having them over. I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting that reply since I see no reason why not but to each their own. Well, we went to the beach yesterday and I explained that to the mom and she understood. We just said we’ll send the girls up to their house on the bikes. Really, no biggie. Jordan came home from the beach after me yesterday, crying, because that is just how she reacts to bad news. She wanted to bring the boys back to the house. I made lunch and told them to hop on their bikes and go up there. They did. They came back a couple of hours later all smiles and totally excited. The boys got puppies. They arrived yesterday afternoon when the girls were hanging out over there. They are 4 week old boxers. So, now they have an incentive for riding their bikes up to their house. Puppies. What a break. It’s all good again in Jordan’s world. She just needed to get over that initial disappointment.
The beach was quiet and calm yesterday. Quiet isn’t usual on a Saturday. Usually it’s packed with Tico’s up and down. The water was glassy and calm which we haven’t seen lately. The tide was the lowest I have seen yet so you could go way out and swim. Jordan and Idan swam for hours and Hannah and were beachcombers. We haven’t done much collecting and yesterday there were some great shells that had washed ashore. With the low tide, it’s easy to find treasures. We found all sorts of different color sea glass and cool soap dish shells. The two of us walked and walked and collected and collected. I hope they don’t confiscate what we take at the airport. So far, they never have but I have had friends who have had all of their shells taken away. We shouldn’t be taking them anyway. But, I am. Bad tourist.
The past 2 nights have been relatively quiet outside when we sleep. I now sleep with the windows open because it is so hot and it helps. Usually, when we go to sleep, it’s a symphony of frogs, insects and who knows what else, outside. A couple of nights ago I woke up at around 2 and there was nothing. Nada. No sound. I woke Jack up, who wasn’t really sleeping, to have him listen to the sound of nothing outside our window. We were both amazed. He said last night, at around the same time, “Hef, listen. It’s quiet again.” Weird.
Time for the beach.


jan said...

I'm catching up on your blogs... but why won't the people that own the house u r in let the boys come over? Don't they like them?

hefr said...

No idea jan. It's bumming us out though. They are great kids and we just need to respect the homeowners requests. Sucks.

liz said...

jajajajajajajaja very interesting how you think of us Heather, being a month in our place for talk horrible things of us, only for a couple of rules. Not nice from you.... Liz and Bart

hefr said...

Liz and Bart.
I received your message and I am sorry if I offended you in any way. There is no way I would have given you the information to my blog (via facebook) had I thought anything I wrote would offend you. It was all how I felt and I totally respected that. We took excellent care of your home and talked very highly about you around the community as well as with my friends here. We did follow your rules and I easily could have disrespected that. We didn't agree with them but that doesn't mean that I am a bad person for that. I would like to know what it was that I said that you felt were horrible things about you.
I certainly do not feel as though you are people that need to be talked about so horribly. I think you are taking my blog in the wrong context and I do not think horrible things about you. You both are great people and have a great home and we loved staying there. Nobody once ever thought anything negative about you after reading the blog either.
Again, Liz and Bart, I am sorry that I offended you and I have nothing but respect for your life and your home.