Mountain Life in Colorado: NOT IT !!!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

NOT IT !!!!!

We used to call "Not It" when we were kids when we didn't want to be "it"
Remember that? 
Well, I still say that at work when I don't want to wait on someone or I don't want to do a particular job.  And usually it works out well in my favor.  Tonight I called "not it" for tomorrow. 
I do not want to wait on the same table two nights in a row.  As, I'm sure, they don't want me to be their server two nights in a row.  
First of all, they have a baby.  I love babies but not in our restaurant.  Our restaurant is no place for babies.  No one likes a loud baby in a restaurant and when you are paying $70/person for just dinner one really does not need a baby screaming and throwing food AND they have the table by the fireplace.  But, that is was the best place for them considering we are a very small dining room and they had their own corner to themselves. 

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