Mountain Life in Colorado: Costa Rican Women

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Costa Rican Women

Costa Rican women are beautiful. What makes them so beautiful isn't just their skin. It's the fact that they are so confident with their bodies and the fact that they all wear these tiny little bikinis and are just plain comfortable in them. No matter what their body type is, everyone is wearing the tiniest bikini and they are clearly comfortable. It's awesome. I love the people here. There is no attitude, no ego, no keeping up with the Joneses. It is just good living and people are happy.


Unknown said...

Confidence ranks #1 for sexiness. Have you gone and bought a teeny, tiny, itzy, bitzy, bikini yet??

Miss ya,
Mary L.

jan said...

i found that latino women in general are like that. love it. :) they loves their curves.