Mountain Life in Colorado: Boys

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The power was off for awhile tonight. Liad and Idan were here most of the night. In fact, Liad, the 13 year old, going on 17, is still here. Jordan and him have sparked up a little bit of a "friendship." He's cute. Really cute. But he is way more mature than my little baby.
While the power was out Jack and I were having cocktails on the patio. I was swinging in the hammock and Jack was in the rocking chair and we could hear everything that the 4 of them were up to in the casita since all of the windows were open. They were playing spin the bottle. Spin the bottle is different then when I grew up. I remember spin the bottle as kissing the person across from you if the bottle landed pointed at you. I hated spin the bottle. If it ever landed on me no one wanted to partake. I hated it. Now, when they play spin the bottle it's basically truth or dare or double dare. They played it all night. We listened to it all too. Jordan and Liad were very flirtatious and it was very wierd. Not what I expected but I guess it is what it is. She'll tell me all about it manana because Jordan is like that. She tells me everything because she can't help it. Hannah on the other hand is more private. She'll tell me all about Jordan but won't tell me about herself. We'll see what the conversation is tomorrow.
I guess if they are going to experience boys I'd rather them have the experience here, while we are swinging in the hammock and rocking in the rocking chair listening to the entire conversation. It was quite amusing. I was proud actually at how they all behaved. Good kids and these are good times.
Who am I kidding?? I'm freaked.

1 comment:

jan said...

do tell what Jordan says!!! and yes, he is adorable :) makes ur tummy kinda hurt doesn't it??