Mountain Life in Colorado: May Day

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day

Happy May 1st.  May Day, as some remember it.  I remember May Day.  When we lived on Estate Drive in MN, I used to make May Baskets with my friend and we'd leave them on the front door of our neighbors and ring the doorbell and run.  It was fun and it brings back good memories.  Especially remembering the weather.  I remember the weather used to be spring and spring in MN means warm, green, flowers, etc. 
Good Times.
Today, 3" new (that would be snow), 104" base (at Arapahoe Basin), 408" snowfall (for the season so far),  17 degree's, snowing. 
My facebook post read:  "May Day! May Day!  We have a problem.  It's still winter!"  And it is.  Big time.  There is absolutely no sign of spring in the air.  None what-so-ever. 

We went to the movies today.  We usually see one or, at the very most , two movies a year.  Today we saw, Soul Surfer.  Jack and I cried pretty much through the entire movie.  It was good.  I thought Jack was going to book a trip to Costa Rica the minute we got home.  He is so wanting the ocean right now.  We all are. 

After the movie Hannah and I went to get some groceries.  The store was crowded and we got out of there pretty painlessly.  We got home and didn't turn on the computer or TV and put on Bob Marley and did our own thinng.  I cooked, Hannah drew a picture and colored it, Jordan grabbed a board game and as she does a lot, she played the game alone.  She loves doing that.  Jack went to his man cave and worked on his custom skis.  It was peaceful and happy in our house.  It was snowing so hard when we sat down for dinner.  It felt like December. 

Life is good right now.  I'm not working and I'm getting exercise, Jack is happy skiing everyday, Jordan is in a good place and so is Hannah.  The pets are content. 
Thanks life. 

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