Mountain Life in Colorado: August 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our New Lowe's

It has arrived. 

Yes, Silverthorne now has a Lowe's which opened on August 16, 2012. 
I went there the other day for the first time expecting, I don't know, Lowe's?  First of all I'm one of those weird tomboy's that really enjoy home improvement stores, all of them.  I love walking in True Value and looking around.  I love Home Depot, but not the customer service, and walking around even if I don't need anything.  I like walking into Bighorn and getting something just to charge in on my husband's contractors account.  I get a little smug about that.  I'll admit it.  I especially love hardware stores in small towns.  Those are the best.  They carry EVERYTHING!  And, usually, the owner is super nice and knows everything about everything. 
So, the other day I actually made a list of things I need and didn't have Lowe's on the brain because I totally forgot that we now have one up here. 
I got in my car, drove to the thrift store to drop off my gently used items, got gas, went to the library and checked out my book, and remembered to look at my list of things to do and on my list was
-pail. because we now have a wood burning stove and we need to chop wood.  
I remembered Lowe's and drove straight there.  I parked and looked at the beautiful view that our new Lowe's was given and walked in.  I walked pass the grills outside and thought I need a new grill but not today.  The doors slid open and a blast of Lowe's wind gently blew my hair back and cooled me off because I was having a hot flash.  I was blasted with the sweet smell of LUMBER.  I love that smell. 
There was no greeter which I like because I don't like to be greeted at stores.  I'm unsociable that way.  Who knew?
Instantly I started looking around with my pursed lips thinking that it would be a mini Lowe's because, it was up here, and to my surprise it was a normal Lowe's.  I'm not even sure they make mini Lowe's but that is what was going through my mind.  I walked in, straight to the garden center because that is where I am most comfortable.  Plus, I needed an ax and figured they were there.  I was right and walked straight to the rakes, shovels, garden tools and axes.  I was in ax heaven and they had axes without wooden handles, which my husband expressed would be his pick.  So, I took the ax off the wall and now was looking for my pail.  I started walking towards the center of the store because I wanted to peruse the area and the looks I received carrying my huge ax were very judgemental.  I kept walking because I needed a pail.  I axed a guy,  haha I mean asked (LOL), where I could find a metal bucket and he sent me back to the garden center.  Now I had to walk the entire store back to the garden center to find a guy to ask him if he has a metal bucket.  I found him and he looked at my ax and said, "What do you need it for?"  Now, I was getting a little paranoid and I knew what it looked like.  I smirked and he didn't smirk back and I said, "Ash". 
He looked relieve and said, "Oh, a PAIL!".  like I  was saying it all wrong.  Bucket, pail, what the F ever, just take me to the isle.  He walked me straight there and got my pail down for me and I was on my merry way.  Now, I still had to get my little shovel so I'm walking around our knew Lowe's with my ax and my metal bucket/pail and I walk straight to the fireplace isle where they sell those little shovels and went to check out.  I kept hoping I would run into one of our many builder friends because I know that would have gotten a good laugh.  Didn't happen which is strange because when you don't want to run into someone you know while you are doing errands you always do and have to chit chat. 
I walked out to my car cracking myself up at my purchase. 
Ironically, my husband left for a bachelor trip the same day, river rafting.  I know I shouldn't make jokes about it but I have been watching "Snapped" lately and I couldn't help thinking that if he didn't make if off the river I'm sure I would be spending life in  prison for just shopping at our new Lowe's. 
I have been chopping wood, and our new fireplace is nice and clean because of my shovel and metal bucket/pail. 
Lowe's, we are going to have a serious relationship.  

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Enough for a Day

Well, the geezers turned out to be pretty nice.  They were still staying at the lodge last night and when they all congregated on the patio they were having a mellow night.  I'm sure there were some hangovers in the group.  Needless to say everyone was super nice and stayed sober.  It happens.  People come up to the altitude and think they can drink like they usually do and blammo.   They get hit in the face with a mixture of high altitude and alcohol (I blame the altitude every time).
That said, we had another night of weirdness though and thank God, I have a day off today.  I don't think I could handle another night. 
I had a very busy night.  It was one of those nights where I should have just sailed right through it but it wasn't.  Every time I went to a table someone needed more butter, lavash, bread, a fork because they dropped theirs, more water because you are now up at altitude and can't get enough, to hear the history of the place, water with no ice, a straw.  It went on and on and totally threw me in the weeds. 
I had my last table sit down at around 8 or so and they were in their late 20's early 30's.  I approached them and it was instant deer in headlights and I knew I was in trouble.  They didn't know what half of the items were on the menu and wanted nothing but water and were clearly uncomfortable sitting in our dining room.  I took their order and went about my business.  It got more and more uncomfortable every course I served.  They were totally out of their element.  So, to fit in they were acting like idiots.  I'd go to the table and the guy would be grabbing the girls boob trying to be all coy.  He was bossing her around and the other guy around and trying to be very macho.  He wasn't.  It got worse throughout the night and I finally just had to stop trying to please them because it was clear they were not comfortable.  I  gave them silent service which always works when you are at your wits end with a table. 
Needless to say I was emotionally and physically drained when I got home last night and happy to not have to think of work for today. 
It's Sunday and I love Sunday's off.  Sunday's are voodoo night at the restaurant. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Work Weirdness

Work lately has been very weird.  By that I mean twilight zone weird.  We had a large group for dinner celebrating grandma's 90th Birthday.  Cute huh?  You'd think.  Grandma was pretty cute and she flitted for the bill for the food.  Everything else was pay separately.  I can see why she did that.  Half the men in the group, who were geezers, were hammered.  Drunk beyond belief.  So drunk we had to cut the entire group off from getting anymore alcohol.  They couldn't walk a straight line, hence the large tray of glassware getting broken nor could they talk.  It was bizarre watching this group of geezers and they were all family and it was perfectly natural to them.  The women weren't pissed, embarrassed or put off.  The one guy, who walked a crooked line into the tray of glassware, couldn't talk a sentence and everyone just seemed to go along with him like he was talking intelligently.  They all gathered around grandma while she opened up here presents and it was as if the geezers were having a lovely tea party only they were HAMMERED.  It was actually fun to watch. 
Usually when we have to cut someone off they are mad as hell.  These guys took it in stride and went to the living room for the present opening and took up the entire living room with their family and when I went in to ask if anyone wanted water or coffee hands went up like I was bringing a round of whiskey shots.  Everyone ordered water. 
Same night only earlier.  
We have this dishwasher who started a couple of months ago.  Every night at 4:00 before our shift the kitchen crew makes us dinner, e-meal as we call it.  It's always great.  A huge salad bowl, some sort of meat or fish or chicken usually something for the vegetarians in the group, a starch and veggies and sometimes dessert.  Our dish guy, his first week, says he's gluten free and a vegetarian and can't have lactose.  So, the chef tries to accommodate him with something.  Usually there is something he can eat like the salad.  They don't have to make us dinner they just do.  Dishdog is now walking in 5 minutes late, checking out the spread and saying he's going elsewhere for his dinner. 
WHAT????   GOING WHERE?    He's on the clock.  Then he comes back a half hour later and takes breaks every half hour to smoke.  One day I saw him slip a piece of meat into his system.  Vegetarian my arse.  Yesterday he shows up  5 minutes late, as usual, and goes to the dish pit and fills up a bucket with soapy water, carries it outside and proceeds to wash the inside of his car.  Chef goes out and is bewildered and asks him what he's doing and dishdog says he's washing his car, like that's normal, and carries on.  Chef tells him to leave and dishdog is looking at him like deer in headlights and says to chef he can't understand what is wrong!.   It was just plain bazaar. 
I had a lovely table, however, of 6 people who ran up a dinner tab of $900 and didn't even flinch.  I'm sure they are used to that which I find weird.  Who the hell has that kind of money?  I also waited on 3 super nice people who decided that the young couple sitting behind them were so adorable that they picked up the entire tab for the young couple.  Adorable young couple's tab was a mere $165.  What an incredibly generous thing to do, I thought. 
See what I mean about work weirdness.  Some bad but the lady that picked up the tab for young couple absolutely blew my mind.  What a wonderful thing that was. 
The next time I go to dinner with my husband do you think we can be that adorable so someone we don't even know buys us dinner?   I don't think so either.  However, I will do that for someone, only it'll have to be at McDonald's or the Walmart snack bar. 
Wouldn't that be weird? 

Summer Over??

It's been a great summer for us up here.  Just when the fires were coming too close to us it started to rain.  It never stopped.  It's soggy and wet and we just keep getting rain.  The weird thing about this summer is that since it started so early my flowers are super confused and all of my Columbine have gone to seed.  Usually I am cutting them back when they get snowed on.  In October.   It's nice to see every flower in my garden have a chance to bloom.  Fully bloom.  Especially my Delphinium and my Veronica which I'm surprised even grows up this high.  I shouldn't even have planted it years ago but I did and I refuse to pull it out of the ground.  Poor thing.  But not this summer.  It's happy and in full bloom. 
The kids are back at school and I feel like summer is now over.  They went back on Monday.  This was the first summer in the 27 years I've been w/ Jack that we didn't go camping.  I'm still going to try to get out before the snow falls so I can keep the tradition going.  I've never not camped and it's just not right.  The teen thing and being w/ Mom and Dad camping.   Not so much.  Nuff said about that.  

I did go to MN for my 30 year class reunion last month.  I had a blast.  I connected with friends from high school that I haven't seen since high school.  In fact, a good friend from high school and his wife actually called me because they came to Colorado and dropped their son off at college and made the trip to the mountains for a weekend and we got to spend some time together.  It was awesome and it turns out that he is an expert with a CNC machine so he and Jack really got to do some talking and it was a huge help to Jack.  Nobody from high school has come to visit with the exception of my friend Lisa and her family who came out last summer and are coming back next June.  Can't wait. 
The highlight of the reunion was hanging out w/ Lisa and Jan on Lisa's boat in Stillwater and we never even left the slip.  I could get used to that.  Thanks girly girls for making that sooooooo much fun. 
The after hours party after the reunion was a blast too.  Don't get me wrong, the reunion was fun and the venue was perfect.  Nice and casual.  Formal does not work for me. 
So, I got back to the Mountains and was home again.  I haven't done anything but work since. 
I guess that's life.  It sound so humdrum and then my friend came to visit and seeing he and his wife's eyes and their awe at the mountains really made me happy.  I so need those reality checks and when I hear how blown away people are at the beauty of it up here I have to have a come to Jesus meeting with myself and remember that I moved here for a reason.  BECAUSE IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
It truly is.  I haven't been getting enough of the outdoors or exercise so I get all funked out. 

Tomorrow, I go for a run and look around at the beauty of it all, right out my back door. 
Summer is NOT over even though I've hinted at that.  We always get snow on Halloween so we still have a ways to go.
 I'm not throwing in the towel yet. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer in Montezuma

This is a great photo of the kids in the backyard.  It reminds me of my own memories, at the lake, growing up. 
Hopefully they'll look back on this with fond memories.