Mountain Life in Colorado: High School Drama Already

Thursday, September 22, 2011

High School Drama Already

Life with kids doesn't get easier.  It just shifts.  I have a feeling we are in for a rude awakening this winter with our new activities.  However the key word here is activities which has the word active in it. 
I officially have a kid in high school now and this is a very interesting time.  I remember back when I started high school and it changed my life.  I went from a naive, innocent, marching band geek to a, I quit everything, tried many things, and got a bad boy boyfriend girl.  Needless to say my parents were not happy with me as I was plowing my way into a life of sex, drugs and rock and roll.   It was all about how much fun I could have and let me tell you, I had fun.  My daughter will have fun too but not in the same way.  Over my dead body. 
My 15 year old daughter is a lot like me.  She likes to do just the littlest amount of work to squeak by.  She doesn't want to be involved.   At first it sounds great but when it really comes down to it she doesn't want to join.  This is where we are right now. 
When we registered her for high school she signed up for speech and debate, the swim team and theatre in the spring.  Well, she is now in speech and debate and wants to quit, has already told me there is no way in H. E. double hockey sticks she is going to swim and she'll think about auditioning for the play.  Well, little does she know that she will not be going through high school like I did.  Uninvolved.  I'm standing firm and so far so good with speech and debate.  She realizes it'll be a lot of work and that is a 4 letter word she hates.  There aren't many.  But I really thing S&D can change her life and make her a more confident person and once she realizes she's good at it, which I am confident with all of her drama she will be, she will enjoy, no, love it.  It is going to take a lot of money and some travel which could pose a problem but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.  I may add a paypal button to my blog.  Kidding.  I've seen those though and wonder how on earth. 
Swim team she doesn't want to do because of her hair.  Her hair is an issue for her as it is with so many high school girls.  She has some practices in the morning and other than the fact that we'll have to be over at the pool before school even starts she's concerned about how she's going to get ready for school after practice.  I'm concerned with how the heck we'll even get out of bed that early.  But, I'm sticking to my guns there too.  I've paid the fees and she'll swim and like it.  Hopefully. 
Theatre isn't for a few months and she will be trying out for the play.  It's what she does and that is her passion. 
The anxiety attacks are killing me though.  How does one deal with this type of anxiety.  Let her quit?  I don't think so. 
She'll thank me in her senior year when she doesn't get voted biggest partier of her class. 


Anonymous said...

I'm really proud of my biggest partier friend! You turned out great and have a great family!

hefr said...

Awwwww thanks. I feel I've done very well for myself too. I love my family and friends and couldn't have had such a great life without you all.
Biggest partier... It's a great laugh and we sure have taken advantage of that over the years.

hefr said...

My first thought to that comment was

Lynne said...

Ugh..the struggles of finding that balance...letting them "find" themselves and setting them in the "right" direction....

I think it is awesome that the path you took was not the "norm". Shows lots of courage!

hefr said...

So true Lynne. It's the "right" direction that is tough to find for some. I hope we do our job in leading towards that direction.
I wouldn't change a thing about my life. The only thing I wish I would have done differently is get involved in high school. Being an athlete now I could have had a really great time in sports.

Joe said...

You wouldn't of done good in sports cause you need to be competative!! Ha Ha

hefr said...

Ha ha Joe.

It's about self improvement. Being better than you were the day before.

I found this quote on a piece of paper that Hannah had written. Pretty cool huh?

Joe said...

Really cool!! But not supprized at all. And great that I have had the competition thing all wrong for so many years.