Yes, Silverthorne now has a Lowe's which opened on August 16, 2012.
I went there the other day for the first time expecting, I don't know, Lowe's? First of all I'm one of those weird tomboy's that really enjoy home improvement stores, all of them. I love walking in True Value and looking around. I love Home Depot, but not the customer service, and walking around even if I don't need anything. I like walking into Bighorn and getting something just to charge in on my husband's contractors account. I get a little smug about that. I'll admit it. I especially love hardware stores in small towns. Those are the best. They carry EVERYTHING! And, usually, the owner is super nice and knows everything about everything.
So, the other day I actually made a list of things I need and didn't have Lowe's on the brain because I totally forgot that we now have one up here.
I got in my car, drove to the thrift store to drop off my gently used items, got gas, went to the library and checked out my book, and remembered to look at my list of things to do and on my list was
-pail. because we now have a wood burning stove and we need to chop wood.
I remembered Lowe's and drove straight there. I parked and looked at the beautiful view that our new Lowe's was given and walked in. I walked pass the grills outside and thought I need a new grill but not today. The doors slid open and a blast of Lowe's wind gently blew my hair back and cooled me off because I was having a hot flash. I was blasted with the sweet smell of LUMBER. I love that smell.
There was no greeter which I like because I don't like to be greeted at stores. I'm unsociable that way. Who knew?
Instantly I started looking around with my pursed lips thinking that it would be a mini Lowe's because, it was up here, and to my surprise it was a normal Lowe's. I'm not even sure they make mini Lowe's but that is what was going through my mind. I walked in, straight to the garden center because that is where I am most comfortable. Plus, I needed an ax and figured they were there. I was right and walked straight to the rakes, shovels, garden tools and axes. I was in ax heaven and they had axes without wooden handles, which my husband expressed would be his pick. So, I took the ax off the wall and now was looking for my pail. I started walking towards the center of the store because I wanted to peruse the area and the looks I received carrying my huge ax were very judgemental. I kept walking because I needed a pail. I axed a guy, haha I mean asked (LOL), where I could find a metal bucket and he sent me back to the garden center. Now I had to walk the entire store back to the garden center to find a guy to ask him if he has a metal bucket. I found him and he looked at my ax and said, "What do you need it for?" Now, I was getting a little paranoid and I knew what it looked like. I smirked and he didn't smirk back and I said, "Ash".
He looked relieve and said, "Oh, a PAIL!". like I was saying it all wrong. Bucket, pail, what the F ever, just take me to the isle. He walked me straight there and got my pail down for me and I was on my merry way. Now, I still had to get my little shovel so I'm walking around our knew Lowe's with my ax and my metal bucket/pail and I walk straight to the fireplace isle where they sell those little shovels and went to check out. I kept hoping I would run into one of our many builder friends because I know that would have gotten a good laugh. Didn't happen which is strange because when you don't want to run into someone you know while you are doing errands you always do and have to chit chat.
I walked out to my car cracking myself up at my purchase.
Ironically, my husband left for a bachelor trip the same day, river rafting. I know I shouldn't make jokes about it but I have been watching "Snapped" lately and I couldn't help thinking that if he didn't make if off the river I'm sure I would be spending life in prison for just shopping at our new Lowe's.
I have been chopping wood, and our new fireplace is nice and clean because of my shovel and metal bucket/pail.
Lowe's, we are going to have a serious relationship.
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