Mountain Life in Colorado: BUTT COLD!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Yes, I'm going to bitch about the cold.  Being from MN I thought I was tougher than this.  I'm not.  I know, I've said this before.   As I type my thermometer reads -25 below zero.  I can't believe we didn't have a pipe freeze, or a few pipes freeze or like what happened one year, our entire line to our well froze.  That year we were without water for a couple of weeks during the winter.   The girls were itty bitty and it was no bueno. 
This morning we woke up to -20 something and I decided I needed to check to see if there were school delays.  Jack informed me that we didn't have Internet and since we don't have cell service at the house I couldn't get the Summit County Alert, which is set up to go to my email and cell phone.  I turned on the tv thinking the ticker tape at the bottom of the screen would tell us which counties were effected by the cold.  Well, Summit wasn't on that row of schools so game on.  We were all freezing in our house and the girls were getting ready fast and at 6:40am they left for the bus.  It takes us 15 minutes to drive to the bus and when they got down there they had just heard on the radio that all buses for school were on a 2 hour delay.  So, back home they drove, up the icy road to our icy house.  It never got above 0 all day.  I mean, our whole country is in a deep freeze. 
Tomorrow it's suppose to be up in the 20's for our high.  Balmy.  I am going to ski with my cousins and I will be wearing my battery operated heated socks and glove liners.  Thanks to my sister in law.  I love those things. 
Stay warm and enjoy those cracks and creaks in your house.  My house sounds like it's falling down. 

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