I had to reschedule my tire appointment because last week when they were suppose to be mounted they never showed up on the truck. I was to bring my car in a 2pm, pick up the kid at 3:30 from the bus, go to the ski meeting at 5:30 and pick up the other kid at 7:30 from play practice. So, I decided to go skiing before all of that.
I skied for a bit and had to be down at my car changing for my tire appointment. I got to the car, changed, and when I got in the car the phone rang and it was the tire shop telling me the tires didn't arrive. Bummer. Now I had 2 hours to burn. I'm a pro at that.
I had remembered that the Nation's Capital's Christmas tree, which had been chopped down in Meeker, was to be travelling through Dillon so I drove to Dillon to check out the festivities. They had the road blocked off for the tree, a band, food, hayrides and it was festive alright. Mostly, it was the elementary schools with all the little kiddos for a cool field trip. I got there just in time.
The Christmas tree truck was just pulling away for their ginormous trek to the White House so I started snapping pictures of the truck hauling the Christmas tree and it's huge caravan following it. I was as happy and giddy as one of those little first graders. And, I was all by myself, which cracked one of my BFF's up.
After the caravan left and everyone was waving, me front and center, the hay ride pulled up with an entire school on the wagon and as they were unloading, grownups were lining up for the trip around the streets of downtown Dillon. I had to join them. I loaded up and looked around to see if there was anyone in the sparse crowd that I knew so I could rally them too. I did know some but no one wanted to ride. Off we went.
The horses whinnied and there I was, on a wagon, being pulled by two huge Percheron's, with 2 couples in their 80's from Oklahoma, next to me. I soon became bff's with the Okie next to me and asked my typical questions we always ask tourists. It was so much fun and I'm talking and snapping pictures and having a ball. All by myself.
The ride went around the block and came to an end. I unloaded, said goodbuy to my bff from Oklahoma, and walked away to my car. It was so much fun. I called my friend Deb to tell her of my day, knowing that she would appreciate it so much, which she did. She kept saying, "You went skiing all by yourself??" "You were at the tree sighting all by yourself??" "Yes!" I said and I was tempted to go have a Bloody Mary, all by myself. I didn't.
I still had some time to spare so I walked around Target and then Walgreens, two of my favorite walking around stores.
I decided to drive to the Middle school to pick up my daughter and she got in the car, asked me what I did for the day and I told her my story. Her comment was, "All by yourself? Mom, you are so cute." Now, you know you're old when your kids say you're cute. Old people are cute.
I consider myself to be a very independent person but obviously 2 people in my life are flabbergasted that I could have so much fun all by myself. Do they not know me? Do they not know how I can just crack myself up over and over and over?
Well, the rest of the evening was not spent all by myself and I attended our meeting and burned another hour later waiting for my other kid to get out of play practice.
We got home at our standard 8pm and did our nightly things. Starting the fire, picking up a little, loving on the dog and cat and getting ready for bed. Only, I didn't get ready for bed. I poured myself a glass of wine, got into my fat clothes and curled up on the couch with the TV on.
All by myself.
This picture is taken 1/4 mile from our house as we were driving home after school.

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