Mountain Life in Colorado: The finger

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The finger

Today Jack and I went to the Dr. to find out how his finger is healing.  Good news.  It's healing well and he might not need another surgery.  We are hoping for that.  They took the bandages off and they removed the stitches and the pin that is in his finger that's keeping it together will stay put.  It looks like a stick pin with the ball on the end. 
The doc removed the ball and just the tip of the pin was sticking out.  Jack had to get an x-ray so he left the room and I told the Dr. that Jack probably won't leave that pin alone and what would happen if he starts tinkering with it?  The doc looked at me like I was crazy and I just said "I know Jack, and hell take a needle nose to it and eventually start twirling it and messing with it and he'll probably take it out."  Doc said he'd clip that pin so it would go beneath the skin and he couldn't get to it.  Easy peasy.  Jack came back in and Doc said he had heard from a reliable source that the pin would be played with  so he was going to clip it back.  Jack was busted and I had told on him.  Jack rolled his eyes and didn't deny anything.  He knew it too.  So we left with a new finger thingy that can be removed and it covers his wound and our attitudes were good.  Dr. Dorf was good.  We like him.

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