Mountain Life in Colorado: Mighty Man

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mighty Man

Today was just like any other day in the Mountains.  Beautiful, not to cold, normal.  Until 1pm.  At noon Jack came up from the garage where he was working and had some lunch, hung out and talked and decided to teach Jordan her science class for the day which he's been doing with her.  Lucky me.  He walked back down to the garage to go back to work.  Jordan and I were doing our thing and he runs in the house and yells "take me to the ER!!!".
  All I heard was ER and I knew.  Table saw, something was extremely wrong.  I had a feeling that he cut his finger.  I had just gotten dressed so all I needed to do was put on shoes and socks and go.  I didn't know if the finger was completely severed or what so I grabbed a bag of ice in case I would be picking up Jacks finger from the garage floor.  He was already in the car with a dirty towel covering his hand.  It was bleeding like a sieve.  Jordan was not sure what was going on because she thought he yelled "Buster killed a beaver!!!"  What?  She totally figured it out after I said he sawed his finger off.  Well, he didn't.  Almost, but he didn't.  So we drove the 35 minutes to the ER in Frisco and man were we taken care of.  It's nice living in such a small area.  Everyone knows someone and the ER is no exception.  Jack knew the nurses who took such great care of him, thanks Josh and Tony and Dr. D.  It was a good experience for such a bad thing and those guys know how to put people at ease.  The place is like a hotel.  We're just glad Jack didn't have to stay the night.  They saved his finger and he'll need surgery in a few weeks to fuse the bone but he'll be fine.   9 hours later he's sound asleep and painfree.  For now.   Jordan calls her dad Mighty Man.  She's right.  That guy is tough.

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