Mountain Life in Colorado: Storms without snow

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Storms without snow

Our family is way out of sorts.  You know I'm out of sorts when I get out of bed at 5am.  Last night we had a huge family "storm" and it was awful.  I hate those times the most when everyone gets to their breaking point and it trickles down from one person to the next and even the dog gets nervous.
 How does that happen?  Why can't we just control our moods and stop it before it becomes a yelling fest?  I know family storms are the norm but it seem like our family is having more frequent storms than not lately.   Is it stress knowing we're taking on a huge life change for the summer?  Is it lack of snow here?  After all we do live in ski country and the skiing is terrible and it's February.  Is it menopause?  Yes, that is a big fat definitely.  Is it burn-out from school?  I feel like we are super dysfunctional right now and  we can't seem to figure it out.  Isn't that the parents responsibility?  I can't get my mind off the fact that we live in paradise, we have great lives, great family, great health, great everything and yet we are pissy.  How does one get here?  Go away pissy.  Leave us alone.

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