Mountain Life in Colorado: Sunday Paper

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Paper

Sunday, and I have no paper.  If I could get the paper delivered to my door I would be one happy camper.  But, that is why I love living where we live.  It's remote and if I did have things delivered to my doorstep, ie, the Sunday paper, take-out pizza, groceries,  I'd be a lot lazier than I already am.  I wouldn't say I'm lazy, lazy but I have pretty good lazy bones and I could take a nap everyday and I have no problem pouring another cup of coffee and watching the next morning show.  Some would say that's lazy.  I talk myself out of that term and say it's contentment.  I'm certainly content, that's forsure. 
I did get out today, because I forced myself, and made a fire in the pit in the backyard.  It was freezing all day and snowing so I bundled up and put on my snow pants, warm parka, hat, gloves and Sorels and tromped through the yard in the snow digging up wood to burn and un-buring the tables because I was thinking ahead and anticipating of one of our full moon parties where we need those tables.  I then decided that I would walk down the road a little ways.  The plow hadn't been up here so the road was completely snowy and I followed Jacks ski tracks to Rileyville where he took off up the mountain.  I was freezing because the wind was blowing very hard which brought the temp down quite a bit.  I turned around after a bit thinking I needed to start walking up and getting my blood flowing to get warm.  Glad I did.  I warmed up instantly walking home from Rileyville.  I then decided that my exercise level was sufficient for the day and when I got home I immediately got back into my comfy clothes and ate some left-over Tokyo Joe's.  After lunch it was definitely time for a nap.  I turned on the Vikings/Bears game and, bam!  Asleep.  It was a good 2 hour nap which I obviously needed after my vigorous day of freezing cold weather.  I am now enjoying the Bronco/Chiefs game with a glass of wine and the only thing that could make my day any better is if I had the paper and I could clip my coupons, read all about it and save the best for last, the travel section, so I could dream of all of the wonderful places I will see when I grow up. 
So, if you're on your way up here for some reason, bring me a paper, would you? (and pizza would be good)

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