Mountain Life in Colorado: Day Off

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day Off

Day off!!

This season kicked my sorry arse but in a good way.  All in all, it was great to be working and making money and the tourists weren't too cranky or weird which we often see during this time.  I did, however, miss my family in a bad way and thought about everyone at my aunt's house.  This time last year my Dad was in the hospital recovering from dying and being brought back to life and we were all there, at my Dad's house, celebrating Christmas, making visits to the hospital, having some fun watching our kids together.  There is nothing like cousins.  I love my cousins.  And my kids love their cousins too.  It's a super special relationship. 

I am enjoying my coffee, looking out at the day.  It's windy but warm and we still have no snow but I'm taking Jordan and going skiing.  Later we are having dinner with one of my most favorite families in the world.  I'm liking this day knowing I don't have to go to work and I get one day of reprieve. 
Tomorrow I start all over with a busy week at work until Sunday when I get to recoup again. 
Head down, game face on, work mode, but today I'm off and I am getting out and enjoying it.

Have a great day where ever you live.

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