Mountain Life in Colorado: Mother/Daughter Time

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mother/Daughter Time

My daughter, Hannah, rallied me pretty hard this morning to get up out of bed and go skiing.  Since we don't have any snow it's hard to get motivated to go ski.  But we went and had a blast. 

We got on the lift at 10:30 and it was sunny and warm.  We got off the lift, skied off the back side towards North Peak and rode up the lift for some more sun and smiles.  We were both so content and happy to be outside. 

After a few runs we called it a day and headed home.  At the end of our last run we were behind a snowboarder going way to fast.  He was not slowing down when he got to the slow fence and tried jockeying his way through the fence past a Father and his probably 5 year old daughter.  He ran right into the little girl right in front of us.  Luckily she was not hurt and the Dad was stunned that that just happened.  There were two ski patrols standing there watching and they went up to the kid and just said, "Buddy, your day is over!!"  They took his pass and kicked him off the mountain.  Hannah and I saw the whole thing and we were just shocked to see this idiot try to ride his way through the fence at a high speed.   Nice to see someone get busted for being a doink and not thinking about the people around him. 
    The coolest thing about today is that my 12, almost 13 year old, likes skiing with me still and we laugh and have a great time together.   This will change, I'm sure, but I sure did relish in the moment today.  We have a blast together and she makes me smile. 

I could barely keep up.  I had to turn it up a notch watching her ski fast down the mountain. 

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