Mountain Life in Colorado: TGIF

Friday, December 3, 2010


We are living at super speed once again and I am not ok with it.  There is no way around it though because it is what it is and really, it's all good.  The girls are having fun with their activities but we are driving all over this county and at separate places trying to coordinate meeting times, pick-up times, drop off times, dinner, etc.  I will get through this month. 
All I have to say is, TGIF.  But, we do have a busy weekend ahead of us. 
I have friends in town from MN (hi Joe and Paul) and we are looking forward to skiing with them in Breckenridge.  I haven't skid Breck in ages so I am super anxious to go over there and ski the mountain..  Jack (I call him Jetstream Jack) says there is a huge storm brewing and if the jetstream changes a little it could drop feet on us.  Steamboat is projected to get a ton and if that happens the storm will probably be a little too North for our mountains.  Lets cross our fingers that everything lines up and we get hit.  It would be nice to get some more snow.  I stepped outside this morning and it felt balmy out there and the sky was very dark.  I'm waiting.  My bones are aching at night when I sleep and usually that's a good sign of something.  Ironic huh?  Achy bones, good for something?  We'll see.  I'll keep you posted. 

I absolutely cherish my mornings when my family leaves.  It's quiet, I can drink my coffee and sit down and type.  Teller is snoring away and the cat is up to no good.  Pure Bliss. 
Enjoy your Friday everyone. 

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