These are some random pictures.
The creature, at the beach, preparing for the power outage that didn't happen.
Yesterday I got my butt whooped surfing. I swallowed more water and I have a bit of a saltwater hangover today. However, I did ride some waves and it felt great. I was surfing in the rain. Jack is getting so good in just a couple of weeks. The young bucks are commenting on how well he can surf. I told them Jack does everything well. He's like superman. He can read the ocean like he's been doing it all of his life. They're pretty amazed at him. They can't get over how "fit" he is. Their words. They're good guys. Very polite and nice and their parents would be proud of them.
I'm having a hard time figuring out what to make for dinner. So far our dinners have consisted of noodles w/ sauce or butter. You can't buy a jar of sauce here. The sauce comes in small packets that are pretty spendy. The packets you just heat up over the stove but it's enough sauce for about 2 servings. I add some water to stretch it a little. We are learning to ration our portions. I also make potatoes and onions with garlic. We have a lot of rice and beans. Unless we go to the grocery store everyday, which is unrealistic, I don't have the variety of fresh veggies on a daily basis. I sauteed up broccoli last night with the potatoes and it was yummy. You also can't get parmasean cheese. Peanut butter is out. We use honey instead for our bread. I'm sure there are places to buy these things but few and far between. We have had no meat since being here. I don't miss it at all and neither does my family. Although, Hannah mentioned she could go for some buffalo wings last night. Me too. I think the fish truck comes around today. Hopefully we'll be here to score on some fresh fish. We missed it last week. So, if anyone is creative with cooking, keep in mind my ingredients are limited, send me some ideas. I'm running out of them. We did treat ourselves to some oreos yesterday. I haven't had any but Jack and the girls scarfed them down like it was their last meal. I'm getting used to the no sugar thing and my body likes it too. My dessert is bacardi/mango/papaya juice. But I'm out of Bacardi. Time to get on the bike for a huge treck. Maybe manana.
OK- That creature is so gross- please move your toothbrush away from it, I think I want to vomit! A a matter of fact, I think you should keep your toothbrushes in a plastic bag from now on- just a little piece of advice from you gal in Colorado! Keep on blogging!
Deb, Rob and Tori
I KNOW. I left the toothbrush there so you could get an idea of the size of it. The picture does not do it justice. Icky. We keep everything in plastic bags or my toiletry bag. Thanks for the advice.
The Creature!!! Now I'm scared. Can you push on the mirror till you hear a sqqqquish?? I'm with Deb, all things that enter your body must be in baggies. Love your blogs, I can taste and see the beach. The bus rides sound very interesting--a great way to become a great writer :-)
How come you don't like my comments....i'm trying to write on your blog but it's not working.....The big gross spider...i'm out! bug bites i can deal with.....spiders HMMMM....
Silverthorne, I have only seen this comment. Whatever you did this time worked. Yes, the bug bites are bad. We look like one huge dot to dot.
ok... Found it. That is a Tailless Whipscorpion. Completely harmless- Check it out
But that would freak my shit too!
hef...silverthorne is me liz dux...not sure how to make the name change......
Jennyjune, thanks for looking that up. How cool. But it has the name scorpion in it. Not so much liking that. One of the young bucks got bit on the butt by a scorpion yesterday laying on his couch and he said it hurt like a mother. They are about an inch long maybe shorter. I saw one in our shower too. Icky!
Liz, I figured Silverthorne was you but you never know. Glad book club went well. I'm almost done with the book. Did everyone like it? I had a hard time getting into it at first. But I do like it. I'm sure reading it here with all of the distractions didn't help either.
Okay Hef, give me the ingredients you have to work with. I need a list along with the spices and I'll come up with several recipes. I would give anyhing to be in an environment w/no sugar or meat. Have to say that Batwings drink sounds like it has to be done poolside!! :)
Holy crap that scorpian bad boy. ooh. Buynow's comments friggin made me laugh, squish... crunch. Like a June bug but so much larger!
Great great pictures!! Jordan sits just like you w/those legs crossed.
Hef, I hope its okay, I am going to post that pic of the scoripian on my fb page. :) Btw, the other spider would be bad enough on its own!
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