Mountain Life in Colorado: Snow

Saturday, December 18, 2010


This year is our snow year so far.  We are getting it, finally.  I have skied hard the past 2 days and tomorrow is lining up to be a pretty big powder day.  I got phased from work tonight to it'll be in bed early and up and adam for another ski day.  It's just incredible conditions.  Everyone in the county is stoked and people can only talk about how great the skiing is.  It's amazing how snow can change the feeling of our county.  After all, most of us are here because of the skiing. 
I made the girls go up with me at 8:00 this morning.  They weren't happy about it and they were whining but I didn't let it get to me.  I told them it's what we do and it's why we live here so get used to it.  Tomorrow will be another ski day and they WILL be going.  Spoiled little .....s.   Hannah loves it but Jordan could do without it.  She does have a good time though.  It's better than having them stay at home in front of the TV and computer.  Not how I'm letting them spend their break. 
Time for a family movie and then bed.  Powder day tomorrow. 

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