Mountain Life in Colorado: The Blues

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Blues

It's been waaayyyyyy too long since I've posted anything.  I have to admit, I've been feeling a bit blue this holiday season and have not been myself.  But I did get a good laugh this morning on facebook from my friend, Mary, who posted a funny video of myself, cleaning my camper.  I'll have to share it with you if I can figure it out. 
Also, my laptop was out of commission for about 2 weeks and that really had me flustered.  Going down into the office we have is not very comfortable and I hate sitting at the desk to do any computer stuff so I wasn't motivated at all to blog.  My computer is once again on my lap and I am happy to have it back.  All of my pictures were backed up safely and most of the information that is important to me was saved.  What a hassle that was though.  All I have to say is BACK UP YOUR STUFF!!
After getting my house all beautified for Christmas, with the exception of the tree, I did feel a little happier.  Then, Jack took it upon himself to get a tree.  He cut one down behind our house and I have to say, the tree is perfect.  It really is perfect.  He said he had his eye on it since the the fall and it was growing too close to the shed so it was good to get it out of there.  I'm impressed.  It is really nice and cozy in our house, and clean.  I had to disinfect everything.  Last Tuesday we had our holiday party for work.  Since it was a school night we were home by 9:30 and in bed by 10.  I woke up at around 1 extremely sick.  I thought maybe it was food related but it wasn't.  I was on the couch the entire next day feeling awful.  That night in the middle of the night Jordan woke up feeling yucky and the next day she was on the couch all day.  Friday came and she went to school and Jack woke up sicker than a dog.  He never gets sick.  He was in  bed all day Saturday.  Hannah was the only one who hadn't gotten it yet but lo and behold, I got home from work on Sunday night, went to kiss her goodnight at 10:30 and she said she wasn't feeling well.  She was up the entire night throwing up.  She had it so bad that she had to stay home for two days.  After her horrendous night of vomiting all night, she couldn't even hold her head up the next day.  I pulled out the bed for her to lay on in the living room and she couldn't even talk to me, let alone watch TV.  It was awful seeing her that way.  I was just trying to make sure she was taking small sips of water because I was so scared of her becoming dehydrated.  She started coming around at about dinner time and still couldn't eat.  I kept her home yesterday too and glad I did.  She had to have a full day to recover from that one.  She definitely had it the worst.  Poor thing.  It's hard to watch your kids that way.  So, the entire week I've been walking around with a spray bottle trying to get these germs out of here.  Hopefully we are done with the stomach flu for the season.  Gross.
We have the best early season skiing in years.  Lake Dillon is still not frozen yet and Jack and I were trying to remember when it usually freezes.  Yesterday they had 70 degree weather in Denver and it was in the high 40's up here.  Today it's snowing again.  I did manage to get a quick peek at a meteor shower at 4 in the morning a couple of mornings ago when I was checking on Hannah.  I looked out the window from my living room and the stars were brilliant.  I stood there looking at the stars for awhile and that is when I got to see some meteors shoot across the sky.  It was beautiful.  I was glad I took a moment to look out my window. 
Today, I just might go skiing and get some fresh air.  Bottom line, there is no reason to feel blue right now. 
I'm coming back. 

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