Mountain Life in Colorado: March in the Mountains

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March in the Mountains

Whew, oooffdah, mannymolin!! 
It's March, full on here in the resorts and I am feeling it.  Work is starting to get to me.  Every ones moral is needing a boost and we are all getting snippy with each other.  But, we know it and we all are talking at the end of the night and doing our "debriefing."  It's kind of funny.  It's great to be busy because it just means things are coming around and people are starting to spend money and have fun again.  Keep it up America.  We need to get out of this funk we've been in. 

The snow is still pretty amazing.  The skiing has been excellent all winter and we have the biggest snowbanks I have seen in years.  I need to drive up Loveland Pass and get a picture of the biggest snowbank up there.  It's HUGE and so cool to see. 

I have been trying to avoid the supermarket and shop at off times but it doesn't always happen that way.  City Market is nowhere to be from 3-7pm.  Trust me.  Don't go there.  I am so thankful for Vitamin Cottage.  Never busy, always a parking spot, not to mention the best produce up here.  I'm not kidding.  Their produce is the best.  City Market comes in 2nd and even Target has pretty good produce.  I now have 3 stores I shop at for my groceries.  It's not quick, in and out.  Safeway has terrible produce.   However, Safeway has the best meat department up here.  Just my opinion. 

Bottom line.  March is crazy and it's kicking my arse.  I can't wait for it to slow down, get warm and we get to get a parking spot quick and easy at the supermarket. 

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