Mountain Life in Colorado: 2 hour school delay...Snow

Thursday, April 29, 2010

2 hour school delay...Snow

     Modern Family is my new favorite show.  I just love it.  The humor is great.  The families are great.  Jordan laughs so hard and I find myself laughing at her laughing at the show.  I so wish I could write.  I would be a sitcom writer and I would write a sitcom about my job.  It's my dream to have my work life on prime time.  I'm telling you, it would be a hit. 
     We had a 2 hour school delay this morning because of snow.  Spring storms can be intense and they come in fast and furious.  The good thing is, is that the roads don't usually get snow packed but they do get severely slushy.  It melts pretty fast.  It's 20 degrees outside right now.  Burrrrr.  The stove is cranked up and the heaters are on in the kids bedrooms.  It's taking awhile for it to warm up here.  C'mon mother nature, work with me.  We need this place to look INVITING.  Mud season is not inviting.  It's muddy.   I just need to look up.  That's where the beauty is.  I forget to look up at the mountains.  Tomorrow I'll look up at the mountains.  I do love them. 
     The fox was in our yard tonight.  We have Buster, our inside/outside cat who prefers to go to the bathroom outside.  We don't ever clean his litter box because he doesn't use it.  Not even in the winter.  I can't tell you the last time he even used his box.  He's outside all the time.  Well, tonight he saw the fox as he was sitting on the bench in the kitchen looking out the window.  The fox saw him and they had a stare down.  The fox came right up to the window which is a good 10 feet up.  The fox sat down and  looked up at Buster.  They stared at each other and Buster's tail got super puffy and he was snickering and making those cat noises that tells me he wants to attack.  The fox was just licking his chops thinking "Mmmmm, dinner."   Buster is grounded for awhile.  I put him in his litter box for a 'get the hint' message and he acted like I put him in water. He's a very gifted cat.
     The picture tells it all.  My little mountain daughter sledding down the driveway in a skirt and tights, no gloves.  Buster, totally relaxed. 

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