Mountain Life in Colorado: Kids and school

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kids and school

     Yesterday we had Hannah's IEP meeting for middle school.  Her special ed teacher for 6th grade, counselor for 6th grade, 5th grade teacher, 5th grade special ed teacher and Hannah and, of course, us, were all in attendance.  The nice thing about a kid being in special ed is that they get to choose their classes and are pretty much guaranteed getting in that class.  So, we got to choose her classes and her community, there are 2 in middle school, and we are good to go.  I have to say, it puts me at ease knowing that we are placed with the community I wanted her in (her too) and she is in the classes she and us asked for.  Now, we have the huge decision with Jordan.  She has expressed serious interest in going back to school.  We are definitely having her repeat 8th grade.  She's fine with that.  She's excited to not be going to high school actually.  Now, she wants to attend 8th grade at the same school (only school) she was in here in Summit County.  We really need to figure out what is best for her and how do we know?  I'm so tired of not knowing what decision we should make.  Sometimes I feel like parenting is just one big crap shoot.  I don't gamble but if I did I'm sure I would play the craps tables.  My mom once won $2000.  She wasn't a gambler either.  Odds are better.  So now we make the decision weather to send her back to school or not.  I would love the break but she has excelled beyond belief with her mental stability.  Her bi-polar is under control.  It's been years since we've seen her so grounded.  Ever since she was diagnosed, she has never been grounded.  Now she is and I know her going back to school will bring back so many of those emotions she couldn't handle.  What is to come when she is on her own and in the real world with mommy and daddy not there to protect her?  I wish there were answers.  I just don't know.

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