Jack and I rode to the lot today and then to Santa Rosa to the pulparia to get some groceries. I kind of got my butt kicked today. I don't know if it was the heat, humidity or my ear but I was feeling it. We stopped at Christophers, in Panilla, for an ice cold coca. Sooooooo good. The coke is muy bien here. The sugar rush definitely helped get me home. And, we didn't get rained on. But now, we have a stocked fridge and some fresh fruits and veggies.
Two of the banana trees, out of 4, that Jack planted are taking off. They are thriving and look healthy. We have some avacado seeds in some water and hopefully they'll root before we leave so we can get them in the ground as well. We've decided not to go crazy with trees until we get the infrustructure all set. We don't want to have to move trees once they are planted. The lot needs to be cut again. We won't do it but it's amazing how fast the grass grew in the time we have been here. I couldn't believe the growth.
Last night was the night for the cool bugs to come visit. Sometimes, we won't get many. Just the usual inch long beetles and geckos and mosquitos but last night we had these water bugs that were huge come into the pool and it was gross. They had these pinchers on them and they wouldn't swim FROM you they were swimming FOR you. It freaked us out enough to get out of the pool and caputure them. We never did get stung or bit or whatever they do so we didn't find out what those pincher thingys were. Then, this green, green grasshopper type bug flew on the porch and it had antaennas on it that reminded me of the creatures. They weren't as long but they were about 2". I'm not a very good photographer with the bugs but I'm trying.
The panoramic is of the lot.
Hannah ran out of her room the other night to get me and said there was another scorpion in there. Sure enough, there was a scorpion on the floor ready to attack. I ran and got a kleenex and grabbed it before it could run away. That's the 4th one we have found and I'm sure they stowed away in our bags from the casita. I did get the laundry that hadn't been washed yet from the casita and threw it in just in case. It's so scary. Scorpions have surpassed cockroaches on my list of least favorite bugs, or whatever catagory a scorpion falls into. I will not miss the scorpions. They are just plain nasty. Not only have the frogs and bugs been quiet at night the monkeys aren't making a lot of noise either. Usually you hear monkeys all day, especially in the morning and they have been very non talkative. Wonder why? I read some interesting facts. Costa Rica covers .25% of the worlds land mass. It contains 5% of the worlds biodiversity. Over 25% of this country is protected by National Parks or some other organization. Over 35,000 species of insects have been recorded in Costa Rica, with thousands more still undiscovered. 10% of the world's butterfly species reside in Costa Rica. Just some cool facts I thought I'd share.
It's raining and I need to skidattle back home. I thought I could squeek out an internet session without it raining on me but no go.
How long of a bike ride was it?? We've been hot and humid in MN lately. Not sure if we hit it today, but we are really humid and was supposed to get to 90°! YUCK.
Maybe all of the animals and critter were quiet because there was a GHOST nearby!! whooooooo
Geographically speaking, where is your lot from the casitas and the house you are currently staying at? Close to the beach, inland? Are you going to do anything else this summer to it? It looks like a nice spot.
Hi Lynne,
Our lot is 6 miles inland. It is located in such a great spot as far as our pick of beaches is concerned. Plus, there is a town within close riding distance for groceries, pharmacy, etc. It'll be a great place for tourists to stay. Centrally located. We love it. It takes about 35-40 min by bike from where we are now. We have cut down our time immensely. At first, when we weren't used to it, it took us about an hour.
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