Jack actually shed a couple of tears over breakfast this morning which, in turn, lead me to get choked up as well. The girls were making fun of us for getting emotional. This, after Jordan cried so hard at the dinner table at Cabinas Las Olas when we didn't get to say goodbuy to Liad, Idan and their parents. We went by to drop off the bikes and left them a note. Not the way we wanted to say, "hasta luego"
We've had a busy week and I can't believe I haven't blogged in that long. Everytime I was meaning to blog it seemed to be raining beyond belief or it got dark or some other obstacle came. Let see. I'll try to catch you up.
After our last Santa Cruz trip which, I guess, was a whole week ago, we came home and had dinner and went to bed early. Early enough. I am listening to a book on tape so I am glued to the computer listening since my ipod went kuput. Thanks Kay and Brooke for the audible membership. It really is wonderful having a book to listen to. Thursday we woke up and after Jack surfed we decided to ride to Tamarindo and to the lot once more. We left at around 10am and rode out to the lot, looked at it and said goodbuy. We started riding and I was not feeling well. I decided to let Jack go to the bank machine down the big hill solo and I hung out at the coffee shop and ordered a fruit smoothie and sat outside to try to get myself back together. The guy at the counter saw me walk in and I think he knew I was in need of something as I was dripping wet with sweat. He made me up a blended banana, papaya, and pineapple smoothie and I told him he saved my life when I finished it. I saved a little for Jack. It was so hot and humid that day. We were with money again so felt better after riding to the bank and we were on our merry way back to the house. We went to the beach. The beach is getting boring to the girls. They are in go home mode and can't wait to get back to Colorado. It's hard and Jack is taking their bitching personally. I am over it too.
Friday we woke up to clouds and the weather has been so rainy early that you never know what the day will bring. The pool was starting to look super icky. We couldn't get it clean and the algae was getting bad. We kept thinking we should do something but they didn't want us to do anything to the pool so we were stuck with nothing to clean it with. It was getting frustrating watching that pool get cloudy by the day. Friday was the day that Steve and Cindy, Elliots parents, were to get back from being in the U.S. all summer. We still had not met them and Steve was so helpful via email with getting us our power pole built and questions we had, 1000 questions, about everything. We were invited to a pizza party at their house on Saturday and I was asked to bring guacamole. We were so looking forward to that party and Elliot, being a chef and an ex-pizza shop owner, makes an excellent pie. Jack and I had bought some avacados the day before at a fruit/veggie stand in Villareal the day before that weren't quite ripe yet so I was worried that they wouldn't ripen. That Saturday we played hard in the water. Hannah was on the boggie board and I was on the surf board and catching great waves and riding them all the way to the beach. It was a blast and we couldn't get enough but knew we had to be at the party before dark so we left the beach and showered and rode up there. My guacamole was a hit. It came out great and the avacados ripened up just fine. We finally met Steve and Cindy and they were nothing like I pictured. Steve, who has this soft spoken, almost feminine voice over the phone, is an ex-marine who fought for 180 days in the bush in Vietnam. He has tatoos up and down his arms and on his back. He's burley and hug-able and a boisterous man and tells a great story after story. He was so interesting and I liked him right away. Cindy, who is the love of his life, was just fun and obviously takes care of everyone. She has had a full life with 4 kids of her own. I'm sure they could write a book they. Their life seems incredible. I was in awe.
People kept coming over and there must have been over 20 people by the end of the night. It was a great time. We all settled on hammocks and chairs outside while listening to Steve tell stories of how he wooed Cindy.
The Bussy's rode home in the dark, just like old times, and when we got home we talked about the fun we all had.
More later.
The pictures are of me having my smoothie at the coffee shop, the police station in Panilla, and some other buildings we pass in Panilla and I love looking at those buildings.
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