Mountain Life in Colorado: Amazing Race

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Amazing Race

My good friend, Deb, called me a couple of weeks ago and told me we are applying for the reality show "The Amazing Race."  Now, I'm not a big fan of reality shows but I do watch this one and I like it.  I've never imagined myself on the show, never had any desire to be on the show, never thought of myself as going through the trouble to apply.  I am the spectator and like sitting on my couch judging how everyone else does it and stating my opinion with my family while watching. 
Now, I'm making a video, filling out the application, with my good friend Deb, tonight, to be on the show.  This is something that she has wanted to do and she has already applied once, with another one of our friends but didn't get picked.  We won't get picked either but what the heck. 
My selling point will be that I am now off of my bio identical hormone creams because I can't afford them anymore and I am once again a crazy person that needs to win $1,000,000,000 so I can be a peaceful person again.  A million bucks could go along way in my life.
Our name, which Deb doesn't know yet, will be the BMW's, short for The Bitchin' Mountain Women.  Perfect huh?  I'm sure we would be dubbed The Bitchin' Moanin' Women at some point.  Maybe we could even be sponsored by BMW.  Do you get sponsored for The Amazing Race? 
So, send some good energy our way and cross your fingers that we will be picked for the Amazing Race.  It would be good TV.  I can guarantee that. 


Lynne said...

That would be so awesome!! I'll keep my fingers crossed.

hefr said...

Thanks Lynne, We made our interview tape last night and we looked like the NPR ladies from Saturday Night Live. Pathetic but we thought we were funny.