Mountain Life in Colorado: Are You Ready to Rumble?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Are You Ready to Rumble?

Fourth of July is my favorite holiday by far.  No stress, no gifts, no cards, no baking.  Just grill something up, whip together a salad or two, cut up come watermelon and crack a beer.  It' that easy.  Oh, and did I mention, all you usually need to wear are flip flops and a sundress?  It's just bliss. 
Yesterday, I had a near perfect day.  I woke up at 9, poured myself a cup of coffee and enjoyed the sound of our river and the sunshine.  I knew it was going to be a good day.  Plus, I had the day off.    The girls rode their bikes to town and I worked in the yard and cleaned up a bunch of shit.  Literally, dog poop.  Not from Teller because ever since he was a puppy I have no idea where he takes his business.  He's very considerate though and must wander far off into the woods because it's never been a problem.  Scooby, on the other hand, is not so considerate.  He's now 3 months old and still comes up to our area to do his business.  We love Scooby.  He's our renter's puppy and now a part of our family.  He'll figure it out.  But I did spend the entire morning scolding him for digging up my flowers, running away with my glove, biting the hose, humping my back as I was bent over weeding.  I forgot how high maintenance a puppy is.  He was NAUGHTY today.  He finally had enough running around and being up to shenanigans and went to take a nap with Teller.  I got on my bike and rode to town to see what the girls were up to.  They had set up a lemonade stand at the only stop sign in town, smart, and were killing it.  After a hard day of selling lemonade they made $47.00.  Now, I don't know about you but when I sold lemonade I barely made anything.  They had to split their profit 5 ways and pay back the cost for the lemonade but still.  Good job. 
I rode up Puru Creek via the high road and it was gorgeous to say the least.  My legs were already killing me because I had worked out to P90X, legs and back, and got my bags packed.  Needless to say when I got home I was pretty whooped.  I got in the tub and soaked. 
The plan was, was to go to Dillon for the music at the amphitheater.  Well, once I got out of the tub, poured a glass of wine and sat on my beautiful deck for a bit it was 5 and no one was even home yet.  Jack and the girls got home at 5:30 and Jack's words were, "Hef, I love you lots but I am NOT going back down the hill to sit with 1000 people."  I agreed.  Our back yard is too beautiful and since we weren't here all last summer to enjoy it we sure are taking advantage of it this summer.  We built a fire and started the coals and grilled and had dinner in our back yard, by the fire, next to the river, just the 4 of us.  Can you say HEAVEN?
After dinner the girls set up the croquet set and I cleaned up and Jack chilled.  The girls wanted to roast smores and asked if we could call the neighbors.  Sure.  We did and some folks from town came up and we sat around the fire.  Greg came home and he had just purchased a few hundred dollars worth of fireworks so he went to the apartment and got a couple of boxes of his goods and put on a super great fire work show for us.  The kids, all 5 of them, lay on the grass and laughed and screamed and were being total kids in the summer.  It was awesome. 
All through the mountains you could hear the pop and booms and rumbles from fireworks.  We were livin' the dream, once again. 
Someone looked at their watch and it was 11 pm.  Time to let the fire burn out and get to bed. 
I posted on my facebook page that if everyday could be like this day, my life would be perfect. 
I love the 4th. 
Tomorrow, we will continue to Rumble.

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