Mountain Life in Colorado: High Altitude Downfalls

Monday, September 6, 2010

High Altitude Downfalls

Living at 10,600 ft above sea level has its downfalls. I love the mountains but I forget about the way I feel. Jordan and Jack are getting bloody noses again. My skin is dry. We're stuffed up. I have a headache. I'm already feeling sluggish. You'd think that being in the heat and humidity would make me sluggish but it was just the opposite. I felt raring to go everyday. Wah, wah, wah. I just felt like whining about it for a little because I miss Costa Rica.
On the not so negative side, the girls start school tomorrow. School has been in session for 2 weeks already so we'll have some catching up to do. I am really excited to have my free time back after homeschooling Jordan last year. I have to admit though, I'm going to miss the home school thing. I am really nervous that Jordan will go back to a state in her mind where she can't function. She is going to have to step it up and not let her emotions take over. We are crossing our fingers. Jordan is super upbeat and can't wait to get back to public school. She is excited to meet some new friends and she knows how hard she is going to have to work. We are totally supporting her every step of the way. Hannah is ecstatic. She had her clothes laid out yesterday.
Tomorrow is not only the first day of school it's my first day back to my yoga class which I have missed very much. My body feels it and my mind feels it. I am not going to know what to do with my time. Exercise, clean, cook, meditate, read, BE!!
I have a lot to look forward to.

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