I went for my first road bike ride of the summer. In fact, I haven't been on my road bike since the beginning of last summer. My friend, Liz, and I rode up Vail Pass. The colors were spectacular. So beautiful. I'll say it again, the warm and dry weather we have had has made the colors so amazing. Not MN colors but beautiful just the same.
I have a problem with some other bikers. Since I purchased my road bike, which was about 4 years ago or so, I get out a few times a summer. I have been on rides mostly by myself but sometimes with friends. Some of those friends are serious bikers. Some are like me. This is what I have observed.
Road bikers, the serious ones, or those that want to look serious, don't wear camel backs. Road bikers wear snazzy jerseys that make them look like they are on the U.S. bike team. Some wear matching jerseys and bike shorts. Visors on the helmets are out. A lot of bikers on the road wear florescent coats so the cars can see them better. O.k. fine and dandy. I, clearly, am not the serious type. My attire is all wrong. I wear my camel back and I have it stuffed full of stuff. I have attire that doesn't match and I wear my mountain bike shoes that clip into my pedals. Mostly because I can't afford road bike shoes. I have a visor on my helmet. I like my visor. Here is my problem.
Every time I go on a ride I get yelled at by some know-it-all road warrior. I'm not kidding. It started with my first ride ever on my new bike. I was out riding getting used to the gears, brakes, handlebars, shifting, just minding my own business, riding free. I'm having a great time and probably talking to myself. Some idiot, who does not view himself as an idiot but obviously views himself as another Lance Armstrong, and his wife, are rounding the corner where I am approaching. I have to veer around the forest service guy walking on the bike path. He smiles at me and I smile and wave and we're obviously very happy saying hello to each other. Well, idiot couple is thinking I'm going too fast and they yell at me to slow down. Now, I'm no fast rider. I'm not taking anything serious. The forest service guy was chill. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Armstrong wannabes were sucking up to the forest service guy and that much was clear. I shook my head and rode on. Going up Vail Pass the other day Liz and I were riding on the path going uphill. You can figure out how fast we were going. We were chatting away, going UPHILL. This lady is coming down, with her florescent green wind jacket on and we don't really give her the time of day because we're chatting and laughing. She YELLS at me to MOVE OVER. I'm already on my side of the of yellow line. I yell out "Really?" with a sarcastic tone. Some guy is behind us and passes us and she is clearly getting in our business by thinking this guy can't pass because of me. If he wanted to pass right then and there he would have let me know that he was passing me. He passed and smiled and didn't seem put out at all. The bitch on the bike assessed that situation in, literally, 5 seconds. Again, I rolled my eyes and wondered what it is that road bikers are so agro about.
If you are one of those riders. CHILL OUT!!! What's with the attitude? We are all having fun out there and some of us my not look the part but that is not my main concern. My goal is to have fun, get a workout in and enjoy the views.
I feel better. I'm going for a ride, on my road bike, with my mountain bike shoes, and my visor, and my camelback stuffed full of stuff.
heather... whether or not this makes you feel better, i feel that bikers are the rudest people (the ones that you described) on our trails here in MN too! I walk.. I walk with my dogs. I follow the rules. But since these freaks on bikes with their bike outfits feel that they are on two wheels, they act like they own the trail and boss the walkers around. Awful. Darrel and I always comment about how rude these certain bikers are. go figure!!!! So... enjoy your mismatched outfit, your visor, your love of life. There are jerks in every walk of life. grrr!!
Most of my experiences are great with other riders. There are always one or two on the road/trails that really need to shut up and have fun. Those are the ones taking it wayyyyyy to serious.
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