If you knew me you would be amazed that I am on my second cup of coffee and it is only 6:20a.m. For not being a morning person, I sure do enjoy being up this early once I'm up. The girls are, so far, getting right out of bed when I open their doors. That'll change. I drove them down the hill to the bus and let me tell you, that is nice. I'm going to like, and already do, that bus.
I came home and made another cup of coffee, watched the news, vacuumed the floor, and put away all of the clean clothes. I decided to go for a mountain bike ride. It took me way to long to get everything together. It always takes awhile. I had to dig my bike shorts out, find my gloves and helmet, and make sure my bike was ready to ride. It wasn't. I had to pump up the tires, find my pump and put it on the bike, and get my camelback filled. There is where all of my time went. Before we left for the summer I emptied my camelback bladder and rinsed it out well and hung it up to dry. I ran some bleach through the tube all because I didn't want it to rot up on me during the summer since I knew I wouldn't be using it at all. It can get gross and I'm pretty sure I have had giardia from my camelback before. It was so clean and ready for me when I returned. This is when I feel like smacking my husband. He totally took my camelback bladder and put it in his icky, grimy pack. After searching and searching for the darn thing I finally found it and I was so frustrated. ARGH!!! He takes everything of mine. My stuff is always so nice, that's why. No worries, I filled it up and started to ride. I decided to see how far I could make it up Webster before I died and I actually made it to the top. It was a gorgeous ride and not one quad, truck, motorbike, or other biker was there. I had the whole mountain to myself. It was nice. I felt great and took my sweet time on the downhill. I was home by noon. What a day.
I kept thinking of my beach cruiser in Costa Rica (which was never mine but it felt like it) and how I hope someone is riding the heck out of it. I hope it's not sitting in the shop collecting dust and getting all rusty from the humidity. It made me think of all of the miles I put on that thing and how much fun it was riding it. When I got on my mountain bike I was thinking of how I wish my seat were bigger, and I wish I wasn't so crouched over. The cruiser was for cruising. Not barreling down a mountain, or climbing up one for that matter. What a change. It felt great being on my bike again.
Hef..thanks for the pictures of ole webster pass..I think the last time I was up there was about 26 years ago...I cant believe how long its been..I sure remember living in that house in Montezuma with John and Jack and all the adventures I had up there in that grand back yard of yours.UFFDA...Gotta love it..
I love that you visited the blog and especially that you can so appreciate the pictures. Man, you and I sure did have some good times together. I miss you.
Wow, beuatiful Pics Heather!
Hi Heather. Welcome home. LOVING YOUR BLOG AND YOUR PICTURES!!!!!! Hope to see you soon :)
Thanks Lara. Are you doing classes at the rec center? Hope to see you there. I just picked up a schedule.
Ive been following you on all your adventures. Im so glad youre still enjoying life at 10,600 feet. Youre still one tough woman and can still bike that kick your ass pass. Radical Hill was the big one for me..take a step push the bike..You are the ultimate Uffda gal from MN..Miss you girlfriend...Hope to get you over to my new territory some day!!
Coming to Idaho is on my bucket list. Hopefully sooner than later.
Sometimes the pics you put up of CO look desert like... is what I'm seeing true?
Jan, yes. It's true. Good eye.
Jan, yes. It's true. Good eye.
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