It's Friday and we have all survived the 5:30a.m. wake up calls. Hannah likes school. Jordan does too. I love it. I'm getting so much done around the house and having them take the bus to and from this side of the county is going to be a huge savings in gas and miles on my car. I'm exercising and doing yoga on Tues and Thurs mornings. I feel positive about the school year and I think the girls will do well.
Costa Rica seems like a dream. It's funny how it takes no time at all to get back into a life that is filled with schedules, plans, phones, cars, electronics. I'm not complaining because I love my phone and my car. Last night I could have, and would have, before Costa Rica, taken my car up to my friends house. Instead I decided to grab by headlamp and my down jacket and walk. I'm so glad I did. I left her house at about 8 and put on my down jacket and started walking. It was such a beautiful night. The stars were out in full force. In Costa Rica we never saw the stars. Being rainy season the sky was always filled with clouds so the stars were few. We did see them sometimes but there weren't a lot of them. Here, the stars are abundant. The sky, on a clear night, is amazing. So, I got to enjoy the sky filled with stars on my walk down Webster Pass. I wore my flip flops since my running shoes were wet. I went for a hike yesterday and had to cross a river and they weren't dry. My feet were freezing. I'm going to have to get my winter stuff out soon. I have no idea where all of my shoes are. I packed everything away before we left for Costa Rica thinking our house would be rented.
Today, I am going to attempt a mountain bike ride up Webster Pass. I'm sure the altitude will kick my butt. I'm going to give it a go. Wish me luck.
I cringe thinking about getting out winter stuff...already? It probably is a huge swing for you guys. Costa Rica hot..Colorado cool. Great to be back reading your blog...Glad school is going good!
I'm with you Lynne. Our colors are super pretty though. Not quite peaked yet. Once winter gets here and ski season has begun, I'm fine.
Awesome pics Heather!!! love the critters :)
My guys are so cute. And funny. I love Teller and Buster.
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