Mountain Life in Colorado: Gifted and Talented

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Gifted and Talented

If I hear one more parent tell me their child is gifted and talented, has been tested gifted and talented, is in a gifted and talented program, is in a gifted and talented class, thinks their child is actually gifted and talented, etc....

Congratulations on your gifted and talented children.

This is why I don't get along. I just can't jump on that band wagon. My kids are wonderful. I just gushed over them on my last blog. But, they are great at some things and not so much at others. I seem to get sucked into the parents that want to tell me about their gifted and talented kids. I didn't home school Jordan because she excelled beyond belief. We don't do theatre because she is gifted and talented. She just loves being on stage. Period. We don't want Hannah to join ski team because she is gifted and talented at skiing. She is an average skier who happens to love the sport. We are an average family who is trying our best to be a happy family and enjoy life.
Summit County seems to have many, many, many gifted and talented children and parents who love to tell us that.
Again, congrats to you. But hearing it is getting old.

However, have I told you about my gifted and talented dog, Teller? He truly is gifted and talented. In puppy preschool.............

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