Mountain Life in Colorado: Winter Wonderland in October

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Winter Wonderland in October

Two days after our huge snow storm I am now enjoying the winter wonderland outside. It dumped a total of about 2-3 feet up here. I was not motivated for much on Monday except laying under a blanket and watching it snow. I did have to go get the kids and the driving was scary. Tuesday I had yoga so I braved the elements again and drove the usually 25 min drive in 45 minutes, white knuckles all the way. I kept thinking "this better be worth it" and as usual I got my om on and it was. I did drive straight home after yoga and crawled under a blanket and took a huge nap. It's now Wednesday and we received another 6" overnight and I decided to hang out up here in the woods and enjoy the beauty. I took a walk.

I had to get my long underwear and some boots out of the shed which is not very close to the house. The snow was over my knees and my walk would give me a good workout. I got my stuff on and headed out the door. The plow was just making his way up and the grater was right behind him. A nice thing since the road was a mess. They both got out of their machines, as I was heading up Deer Creek, and I overheard them saying to each other how much snow we had received up here. They were surprised. Sometimes we get snow that the other towns won't get. Once I had to call the kids in for a snow day because we had gotten over 2 feet overnight and with the wind it literally trapped us up here for the day. Even the town of Montezuma didn't get that, which is 1 mile down the road. Those kids made it to school. The school didn't believe me when I called in to tell them we couldn't get out of our driveway.

The white car in the picture made the drive up here to go cross country skiing. He obviously didn't want to get stuck and left his car right smack in the middle of the road. The plow drivers could barely get around him. I'm surprised they didn't leave a big snowbank in the front of his car. Those guys are usually ruthless.

I headed up the trail and broke trail the entire way. It was wonderful. It's a good walk, even without the snow, and I was sweating like a pig, in a good way. I got to the top of the hill and fell in the snow and made a snow angel. Teller thought I was playing with him and jumped all over me. He was so happy. I came home and again, took a serious nap. I do love my naps. I'm motivated for another day of playing in the snow. I'm motivated to ski. I am happy, now, that winter is here. It's going to be a good one.


joe hall said...

Looking good!!!

hefr said...

It's looking real good, Joe.

Lynne said...

It is beautiful!