It's hard to believe that just 2 days ago this is what we woke up to. Today it's super windy but warm. Yesterday we had some major snow melting going on in our yard. We put the hammock back up, the girls had fun on the tire swing, they filled up buckets from the river. Something about filling up buckets, pails, cups, anything, with water from the river. They love that. They always have. They fill, dump, refill, dump, refill and so on. It's so funny. They have been doing that since they were teeny tiny.
I woke up with a major headache this morning. We have 2 graduation parties to go to and Jordan's confirmation dinner after that. I really want to blow off the parties and just might. I'm just not feeling up to par today. I think I'm getting Hannah's cold. She has been fighting off something for well over a week now. I think she may have a sinus infection but I hesitate to take her into the Dr. It seems to be clearing up very slowly. At least it's clearing up. Jack says it's the barometer messing with me. I can feel all of my aches and pains.
The girls are at leathercraft right now. It's their last class and they have made some really cool things. I need to pick them up at 11 and Jordan wants to go to Old Navy and buy flip flops for the advertised $1. Unfortunately, when they have these so called "deals" the fine print on the bottom of the TV says, "only at participating locations." We seem to live in an area that never, ever participates in these great deals. Still, they are selling their flip flops for 2 for $5. Still a good deal in my opinion. Considering I just bought some Chacos for $60 yesterday. What the heck was I thinking?????? That is just unheard of for me. I do like them though. I think they will last me a lifetime. That was my thinking anyway.
My headache is better, I took some aleve and drank some wheat grass. Time to get motivated. Enjoy today. I plan to.
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