Mountain Life in Colorado: Yes, it was a Ginormous Cockroach

Monday, July 12, 2010

Yes, it was a Ginormous Cockroach

I have identified the bug that is almost the size of Jordan's hand.
I was in serious denial and I finally couldn't take it anymore and had to google it at 2:30 early this morning as I couldn't sleep. I didn't hit the sack peacefully after that little discovery. Why do I do this to myself?

You have to understand something. I HATE cockroaches! I used to live in Pacific Beach in San Diego with Jack in 1987 for about 8 months. The first time I had ever seen cockroaches were in that house 4 blocks from the beach. I was terrified one night when one crawled on my leg while I was in my bed sleeping. The next morning I called the landlord to have the place exterminated, which is a pain for the people living in the house. It's quite an ordeal. We lived with Marty and Bonnie, who had been in the house forever and were used to critters. They were furious with me and totally put out. Now, I can see why, but then, I just wanted those roaches destroyed. Which they were for a time. Apparently they do come back but the extermination does last for awhile. Me, being from MN and not used to stuff like that, it was just gross. I used to wake up in the middle of the night, in that house in PB, and go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I'd turn the light on and see them all scurry. I hated that more than anything. It's the roaches that creep me out most of all. I'm glad I didn't know it was a FLYING cockroach on my wall given the fact that I had my face right up to it to get a better look. And, why I was so close to it just confirms my ignorance as to what it was.

Today is Monday. Jack rode out to the lot with a pack full of little trees. He's into it. We have 3 more nights here in our casita. As Jack and I were having our coffee this morning, me in the hammock, him in the chair, we were talking about how almost sad we are to be leaving this place. I know I've said it before but the entertainment around here had been awesome. I hope we won't miss out staying in our new digs. But like we were saying this morning, it's time to close this chapter and open a new one. It'll be our Part 2 of this journey, one that I am looking forward to and one I'm sure will be just as awesome.

We're suppose to get a huge rainfall this afternoon. Time to ride down to the beach and enjoy what we can. The water yesterday was so refreshing and warm. I love the temp of the ocean here. It's almost bathwater warm but refreshing and wonderful. It is so inviting and you cannot help but play in the water when you're at the beach. The other time I remember the ocean being like that was in the Outerbanks when we took a trip with my parents and brother's and kids. It was such a memorable trip, one that I know we all would like to do again. The ocean water in September in the Outerbanks was so nice. It's like that here. Not shockingly cold.

Time to hit the beach. Later.


hefr said...

Jan, I accidentally rejected your comments instead of publishing them. Dah. Good to see you back. I missed you. Thanks so much for your words of encouragment. We wonder about us sometimes and I know we are giving our girls the experience of a lifetime. Maybe we will even give them this life to live one day.
I'll get a picture of the girls or maybe better yet, an actual worker with a machete. There are all of these pictures I have in my head and I need to get them taken.

Unknown said...

I told you! Payback is hell! I'd rather the cockroach then the creature. Looking forward to hearing about part 2 of the adventure.

hefr said...

Oh Patty, Patty, Patty!
You are so right. I was thinking after I wrote about this that I should have made the analogy that mice to you are like cockroaches to me. Bet you never knew that about me did you?
Yup, I was soooo thinking of you when I figured out it was a cockroach.

Anonymous said...

You need your "creature" back! they eat cockroaches!

hefr said...

you're right. He did make an appearance last night. He must have went on vacation.