Can't sleep again. It's only 8:25 for cripes sake. I've been trying for an hour now. I keep thinking of random things to blog about.
1) No couch: when we checked into this place I knew there would be 2 double beds. One for Jack and me and one for the girls. I kept thinking that if things got ugly, between whomever, the couch would be the other option. Well, THERE IS NO COUCH!!!! I now realize what a couch potato I really am. I love the couch. I am the queen of the couch. I get first pick of the couch and usually it is the best spot on the couch. I also get the best blanket to cuddle up with on the couch. Here, we have wooden chairs and one of them came from outside. Adirondack, wooden chairs. Except the one rocking chair which I usually sit in. But I like the Adirondack chair when I have a cocktail because the arm is a perfect cocktail spot. My Mom called the couch a davenport. Love that.
2) A sheet: We were emailing back and forth, we, meaning the people who own this place, and I asked if there was anything we could bring from the states, knowing that it is tough to get most everything in Costa Rica. They did ask if we could bring sheets. So, I got online and ordered good sheets from A favorite of mine. The sheets came just in time and we packed them taking up practically half the room in one suitcase. I am glad we brought those sheets. We got here to the casita and the sheets they had on the bed were fine but super thin and very worn. I'm no sheet snob but I have to say, I love the sheets we brought with us. At first, when I looked at the bed, there was just a sheet on the bed. That was it. No blanket, no comforter, no bedspread, NADA. Just a sheet. I looked around for the closet, which there aren't any, just like our house, and nope. Not a blanket in sight. I kind of panicked thinking, "how am I going to sleep if I'm chilled at night and need a blanket?" Well, let me tell you, the sheet is overkill. Given the fact that I'm sweating like a pig all day, the nighttime is no different. The only thing I have that sheet for is to keep the critters off of me. And that doesn't even work. But, I love the sheets that we brought. I may have to take them with us and not leave them as a gift like I was going to. Just kidding.
3) My cast iron skillet: I cook with one pan. That pan is my well seasoned cast iron skillet and I miss it. I truly thought that maybe I could pack that thing but it weighs about 20lbs and that would have been stupid. Years ago I gave all of my pans away because I started using a cast iron skillet and once you're hooked the rest is taken to the thrift store. So, for those of you who are at a conundrum with your frying pans, give them away and get the cast iron skillet. I'm also missing my one good chef knife. I've had it for 20 years. We received an entire knife set from my brother's for a wedding gift. I love those knives. It's really funny how attached one becomes to things when you don't have it for awhile. Still, I'm not complaining, just thinking about random things as I lay awake in bed listening to the monkeys who apparently cannot sleep either. It's the greatest sound around. I wish I had a recorder to record the sounds that my camera can't capture. Next time around I will not be without a recorder of some sort. I did manage to get Rosa saying, "Hola" to me today.
The tail in the log is probably an iguana. I never did see what it was but the tail slowly slithered inside that log and we never saw it again. It's a mystery.
Random plants at the casita
Thanks for the random stuff and your blog. It's so fun to read and see what you all are doing in CR. Thanks for property pics too. It's good to see the progress.
Did you feel the earthquake in OAXACA, southern Mexico? 6.5 at 2:30am. They say big, but no damage. It may have been too far for you to feel in CR.
OK, I have to admit, I had a hard time telling who was who saying "hola" in that video! Ha! You both sound like natives now!!
BTW- you and my mom can relate, because it sounds like your casita is outfitted just like their condo, only they have the advantage of Wal Mart. See- things aren't so different between Colorado and Costa Rica rentals!
Hey Deb,
I said "Hola" only once. You can tell it was me because I said it matter of factly and not like I was saying hello to someone. Funny.
How's are your parents? Dad?
Good to hear from you.
Ilene, we didn't feel it. To far North.
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