Jack and I rode out to our lot today. It was cloudy and seemed like a good choice. The girls were into a chill day. We left at around noon. What a great ride it was not to have the sun blaring down on us. It was still hot and I was still sweating like a pig but the clouds were wonderful. The road was extremely muddy and when we arrived at the lot I was a muddy mess. I love that. Jack hired a guy named Eddie to put in our fence posts and dig all the holes and do some other work and we are told to check on it everyday to make sure the work is being done. There was a fire burning to burn the slash on the land and all was great. No one was there so we walked across the street and I met Marc, the Frenchman that Jack has gotten to know. He's renting the house that I had found online but it was way out of our price range. They wanted $1200/month. I'm so glad it wasn't affordable because without a car it is WAY to far from the beach. 6 miles is a long way on bike or foot. Marc is nice. He doesn't understand a lot of English and I realized that as Jack was talking to him. He SPEAKS pretty good English though so it fools you. It's like me with Spanish. I speak great spanish so the Tico's think I can speak the language. NOT! Marc is kind enough to help Jack on Friday and give him a ride into Huacas to where the materials are that we need to build the fence. Should be interesting. After we were saying our goodbuys Marc was apologizing for his English. I told him he spoke wonderful English and he is helping us huge. We'll buy him dinner or something for his kindness. He's going way out of his way to help us. We think. We went to find Eddie and Jack figured he was at this other house that he has been working on. Well, he was. This house is just amazing. The guy who owns it wasn't home but we've heard about him. He is a golf pro at Hacienda Pinalla. Jack has wanted to meet this guy for some time now just because he's a friend of a friend, kind of. Anywho! Eddie is his landscaper and we have decided, after seeing the work Eddie does, Eddie is our man. I have to say. Jack may not do very well grocery shopping but DANG, he is getting things done, the right way, on our lot. I'm impressed. The video is a little blurb of us riding our bikes having fun. And the pics of Jack is our lot. When we arrived the foliage was waist high until we had a guy wack it all down for us.
It looks like you guys are fitting right in!!!!
great video of bike ride. laughed at the "SHIT!!" HAHA
Hey, if I can ask... no worries if you don't want to answer... Phillip was very interested to know how much land costs where you are. by the way, what is the exact name of the place you are staying at and the town?
Wow! It looks really large! Its fun to see progress isn't it? Sounds like you have found some good help which is nice.
Lynn, It is so great to see what little progress we have made. Slowly but slow is better that nothing.
Jan, we are about 10k South of Tamarindo which is North Pacific on the map. The beach we are at is called Playa Avellanas. The place we are at is called Las Casitas de Avellanas. I found it on Google. I'll email you with the other stuff.
Loved your biking video--you're just one of the locals now. Next time around, you need to get yourself a cute little burro.
Mary L.
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