My kids are ready to go back to school. They are getting anxious and bored being home and trying to find things to do. Having no neighbors to harass it's always tricky to get them to get off the couch and stop playing wii and get outside. When they were little they had no problem getting on their play clothes and going out and just playing.
Now that they are older
1. They don't "play"
2. Don't even call it "play" because they will roll their eyes and act like that was the biggest insult you have ever given them.
3. They don't want to put on "play" clothes. For some reason, even though nobody will see them in our yard, looking good is priority.
4. If I tell them to go out and "play" they yell at me and tell me to stop treating them like babies.
5. Right now, for instance, Jordan is straightening her hair so she can go outside to sled.
6. I know longer am the cool Mom.
I did get them to go outside eventually. Jordan smelled real pretty too after she put on some perfume.
She will be the best smelling sledder in our yard.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Day Off
Day off!!
This season kicked my sorry arse but in a good way. All in all, it was great to be working and making money and the tourists weren't too cranky or weird which we often see during this time. I did, however, miss my family in a bad way and thought about everyone at my aunt's house. This time last year my Dad was in the hospital recovering from dying and being brought back to life and we were all there, at my Dad's house, celebrating Christmas, making visits to the hospital, having some fun watching our kids together. There is nothing like cousins. I love my cousins. And my kids love their cousins too. It's a super special relationship.
I am enjoying my coffee, looking out at the day. It's windy but warm and we still have no snow but I'm taking Jordan and going skiing. Later we are having dinner with one of my most favorite families in the world. I'm liking this day knowing I don't have to go to work and I get one day of reprieve.
Tomorrow I start all over with a busy week at work until Sunday when I get to recoup again.
Head down, game face on, work mode, but today I'm off and I am getting out and enjoying it.
Have a great day where ever you live.
This season kicked my sorry arse but in a good way. All in all, it was great to be working and making money and the tourists weren't too cranky or weird which we often see during this time. I did, however, miss my family in a bad way and thought about everyone at my aunt's house. This time last year my Dad was in the hospital recovering from dying and being brought back to life and we were all there, at my Dad's house, celebrating Christmas, making visits to the hospital, having some fun watching our kids together. There is nothing like cousins. I love my cousins. And my kids love their cousins too. It's a super special relationship.
I am enjoying my coffee, looking out at the day. It's windy but warm and we still have no snow but I'm taking Jordan and going skiing. Later we are having dinner with one of my most favorite families in the world. I'm liking this day knowing I don't have to go to work and I get one day of reprieve.
Tomorrow I start all over with a busy week at work until Sunday when I get to recoup again.
Head down, game face on, work mode, but today I'm off and I am getting out and enjoying it.
Have a great day where ever you live.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas Eve
Twas the night before Christmas
and the restaurant was busy
with tourists aplenty
eating and drinking until they were dizzy.
Most had a good time
in the past there are cranks
but tonight was a good crowd
and for that I say thanks.
The tips were all good
which is always a plus
At the end of the night
there was no need to fuss.
Tomorrow we wake
do it all over again
I'd rather be with my family
but working this holiday wasn't that bad in the end.
Merry Christmas.
and the restaurant was busy
with tourists aplenty
eating and drinking until they were dizzy.
Most had a good time
in the past there are cranks
but tonight was a good crowd
and for that I say thanks.
The tips were all good
which is always a plus
At the end of the night
there was no need to fuss.
Tomorrow we wake
do it all over again
I'd rather be with my family
but working this holiday wasn't that bad in the end.
Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Mother/Daughter Time
My daughter, Hannah, rallied me pretty hard this morning to get up out of bed and go skiing. Since we don't have any snow it's hard to get motivated to go ski. But we went and had a blast.
We got on the lift at 10:30 and it was sunny and warm. We got off the lift, skied off the back side towards North Peak and rode up the lift for some more sun and smiles. We were both so content and happy to be outside.
After a few runs we called it a day and headed home. At the end of our last run we were behind a snowboarder going way to fast. He was not slowing down when he got to the slow fence and tried jockeying his way through the fence past a Father and his probably 5 year old daughter. He ran right into the little girl right in front of us. Luckily she was not hurt and the Dad was stunned that that just happened. There were two ski patrols standing there watching and they went up to the kid and just said, "Buddy, your day is over!!" They took his pass and kicked him off the mountain. Hannah and I saw the whole thing and we were just shocked to see this idiot try to ride his way through the fence at a high speed. Nice to see someone get busted for being a doink and not thinking about the people around him.
The coolest thing about today is that my 12, almost 13 year old, likes skiing with me still and we laugh and have a great time together. This will change, I'm sure, but I sure did relish in the moment today. We have a blast together and she makes me smile.
I could barely keep up. I had to turn it up a notch watching her ski fast down the mountain.
We got on the lift at 10:30 and it was sunny and warm. We got off the lift, skied off the back side towards North Peak and rode up the lift for some more sun and smiles. We were both so content and happy to be outside.
After a few runs we called it a day and headed home. At the end of our last run we were behind a snowboarder going way to fast. He was not slowing down when he got to the slow fence and tried jockeying his way through the fence past a Father and his probably 5 year old daughter. He ran right into the little girl right in front of us. Luckily she was not hurt and the Dad was stunned that that just happened. There were two ski patrols standing there watching and they went up to the kid and just said, "Buddy, your day is over!!" They took his pass and kicked him off the mountain. Hannah and I saw the whole thing and we were just shocked to see this idiot try to ride his way through the fence at a high speed. Nice to see someone get busted for being a doink and not thinking about the people around him.
The coolest thing about today is that my 12, almost 13 year old, likes skiing with me still and we laugh and have a great time together. This will change, I'm sure, but I sure did relish in the moment today. We have a blast together and she makes me smile.
I could barely keep up. I had to turn it up a notch watching her ski fast down the mountain.
Friday, December 16, 2011
My 2004 Christmas Letter
This was my first Christmas letter ever. I had just received a Christmas letter from a friend of mine who I never keep in touch with any more. She gushed and gushed and her kids are clearly the most perfect kids in the world. I was extremely annoyed with her letter and sat down on my computer and wrote this in about 5 minutes. It's all true and I felt much better. Needless to say, my Mother, who had a great sense of humor, was NOT amused by this letter for some reason.
Here it is.
Jordan is our oldest. She is now 8 and continues to amaze us with the fits she throws and is a true handful. She is a typical 8 year old and we can never turn our heads for a minute. She has had her 2nd offence at our local grocery store. By that I mean we are now in the stealing from the checkout line phase. The first time was embarrassing, and the second time was just down right humiliating. They told us that if it happens again they would call the police. Hopefully that scared her enough to get her to stop. Jordan also continues to struggle at school. We should have held her back as advised but she was such a good student in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade. Now that she is in 3rd grade she is struggling at math and reading but loves and does well at everything else. We are doing many math facts during our winter break. Too bad for her. Jordan is a great athlete. We are so proud of her swimming and she is a fish in water. We keep her up on her swimming lessons and she especially likes Mondays with the after school day camp program. There’s really no instruction going on and the kids just go wild at that pool. She loves it. We are not skiing yet because we have been just too busy but we have the girls signed up for the Arapahoe Basin Ski Club which starts in January. Most of our friends’ kids are already on double black diamonds. But not our girls. They still prefer the green runs and their favorite run is called Toilet Bowl. Sweet, huh?
Here it is.
As this year comes to an end I hope it has been as crazy and hectic as ours.
I’ll update you on our two beautiful children, Jordan and Hannah.
Jordan is our oldest. She is now 8 and continues to amaze us with the fits she throws and is a true handful. She is a typical 8 year old and we can never turn our heads for a minute. She has had her 2nd offence at our local grocery store. By that I mean we are now in the stealing from the checkout line phase. The first time was embarrassing, and the second time was just down right humiliating. They told us that if it happens again they would call the police. Hopefully that scared her enough to get her to stop. Jordan also continues to struggle at school. We should have held her back as advised but she was such a good student in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade. Now that she is in 3rd grade she is struggling at math and reading but loves and does well at everything else. We are doing many math facts during our winter break. Too bad for her. Jordan is a great athlete. We are so proud of her swimming and she is a fish in water. We keep her up on her swimming lessons and she especially likes Mondays with the after school day camp program. There’s really no instruction going on and the kids just go wild at that pool. She loves it. We are not skiing yet because we have been just too busy but we have the girls signed up for the Arapahoe Basin Ski Club which starts in January. Most of our friends’ kids are already on double black diamonds. But not our girls. They still prefer the green runs and their favorite run is called Toilet Bowl. Sweet, huh?
Hannah is 5 and is in full time kindergarten and loves every minute of it. She really doesn’t excel at anything but she is a very happy-go-lucky kid. She has a lot of friends and seems to be well liked. She is the pickiest eater on earth and I’m not sure how she survives on just noodles and plain bread. Hopefully some day we can get a vegetable or fruit into her little system. Jordan and Hannah are best friends and they fight like sisters do. I’m sure you all know that it can get pretty violent at times. But sisters will be sisters. Hannah has also discovered swear words which can be very embarrassing at times. Kids these days.
Our newest addition to our family is our dog, Teller. He’s named after the mountain right behind our house and our other dog Buck is buried up there. We adopted him from the pound last January so he isn’t quite one year yet but is well on his way to weighing over 100 lbs. Who would’ve thunk? He gets into everything from the garbage to any food left on the counter. We really need to watch him at all times too. He just gobbled up an entire plate of fresh homemade cinnamon rolls that were even wrapped. He’s also discovered that the couch is much more comfortable than the floor. Dog hair is all over our furniture now. We try to get him down but he sleeps there during the night when we are all sound asleep. He is a very smart dog!
Jack and Heather are still pretty much the same. We have arguments like normal people but we now argue much more constructively and that helps. Thanks Dr. Phil. Heather broke her collar bone over her 40th birthday and that really took a toll on the checkbook. But after her surgery in June she is fully recovered. Heather also went back to work in August. She works in a Dental office at the front desk and loves it. Jack is still a builder and he is one skillful builder. He mostly builds custom homes and it keeps him busy. Even though we struggle financially we still manage to put a smile on our face and enjoy life to the fullest.
We are very blessed and we feel so very fortunate to have a pretty normal family.
We hope this letter finds you better off than us.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Thursday, December 15, 2011
My 2009 Christmas Letter
Merry Christmas. We hope this letter finds you all struggling just as hard as the B Family is. It gives us great joy to know that other families have a tough go of it too.
Heather is focused on not having a nervous breakdown. She is having a great time in life and the kids continue to be such a challenge but it’s good for her to have that. She has always liked a challenge and this is perfect for her. We did have quite the pregnancy scare earlier on in the year and thank goodness it was just that, a SCARE. We just know that if we were pregnant we would have had another girl. That would have been just par for our course. We were ecstatic to know she is just going through menopause. God works in mysterious ways.
Jack is doing wonderful. He was just voted number one dad by our two daughters and was so proud for being recognized in this family. He’s working very hard to be number one husband but has a long way to go. His job is still in the construction world and he has taken it upon himself to venture off on his own a bit and now he has so much more time to ski. He is skiing as much as he can in the winter and in the summer he rides his mountain bike as much as he can. Jack did travel to Costa Rica because we did purchase property down there. He spent 2 weeks in Costa Rica and unfortunately it rained and rained and the beach was polluted with raw sewage. We are hoping we didn’t make a mistake by buying property where we did. We’ll see.
Jordan continues to keep us on our toes. She is now in the swearing phase of her life and is experimenting at home when she throws her fits. She loves to just let those bad words fly and see our reaction. After all she is a teenager now (13). She is now homeschooled and is determined to send her mother to an institute of some sort. Jordan continues to make us proud though. She excels at computer games, and hand held yahtzee. Jordan is our thespian She was cast in the Christmas Carol play and has 2 lines. She loves every minute of it. She is not the athlete of the family and hates winter but theatre has filled that void.
Hannah loves swimming and has been on our local swim team for 3 years now. She competes in swim meets all over Colorado. The last meet she swam she only got disqualified once. Hannah enjoys skiing and now wants to do gymnastics. Too bad we don’t have the money for the gymnastics but she’ll get over it. She’s been there done that with us before. Hannah is also the comedian of our family. She continues to impress us during our fights and she’ll just break out with a dance or a joke just to get us all to stop. Hannah is our happy go lucky child and is really just very average.
Even though our girls are definitely not gifted or talented, our beast of a dog is! He is soooo smart. He eats us out of house and home daily and has figured out that he can get food from our garbage as soon as we fall asleep. He’s even figured out how to open the cupboard where we keep the garbage! We are still very proud of him. He’s as big as a horse, being part Great Dane, which Heather didn’t know when she adopted him 5 years ago. She thought she was bringing home a small lab mix. Surprise!!! Teller is an incredible watch dog for our family. Anytime someone comes to the house he barks and growls and scares the youknowwhat out of whomever it is. It is a great comfort to us to know that he might attack at any given moment. FYI, call us before you come for a visit. Teller brings us great comfort and joy. We are truly blessed to have him.
Buster is the newest addition to our family. He is our cat and loves to pounce on the kids. He also scares the living daylights out of us and he is just scratching up the furniture something fierce. Too bad we bought a new couch before we got him. It’s trashed. We love him and although our house smells like cat pee we are now a complete family.
We hope this letter finds you all healthy and happy. We are still working on it.
Happy Holidays,
The B's
Thursday, December 8, 2011
WARNING! Bragging Rights
I have to brag for a bit. So if parents who brag about their kids make you gag, don't read on.
I have good kids. Both, completely different from one another but both equally good in their own way.
Jordan has been swimming and loving the team and the team has taken her in like she has been a friend for life. No judgement, no drama, no attitudes. Just good kids having a great time as a team of swimmers. As many issues as Jordan has not one of those girls seem to care and they include her in everything. Her endorphins have kicked in and she is happier. She swims 5 days a week. We get up twice a week because she has to be at the pool by six. That means we have to leave our house at 5:15 am and it's tough. She swims 2 meets a week and the drive is a long one to Denver from here. Tuesday I drove down to Denver to see the meet and I watched her swim the 50 fly. It was awesome and she swam it well. Her stroke was beautiful. It was worth the drive. She hasn't complained once about swimming. I love that sport.
Hannah has been busting her butt in school. Last month she got off of her IEP which made her a special ed student. I have said this before and I'll say it again. GET RID OF STANDARDIZED TESTING!! She scores low on those tests but is an excellent student. Needless to say, she was ecstatic when she felt like she was not a "dumb" kid or a "sped". Well, she was placed in a lower level reading and math class and was just bummed about it. For a couple of weeks she has been asking me to set up an appointment with her teachers to discuss this. Her thought process, with good reason, is that why did she work so hard in school to get off her IEP and now she's not seeing any benefits from it? She kept thinking "why am I still in the sped classes? Good point. She called me at work and asked me if I had emailed school. I'm telling you she is on it. I asked her which teachers needed to be addressed and she told me. Then she said, "Mom, before you set up an appointment let me tell you when I'm free". Ha Ha. She's so organized but that's one thing I do know. When she is free. She cracks me up. Anyway, I email and they explain why she is in the classes she's in, because of the standardized tests, and after they thought about her situation they moved her to a higher level class and the morning she was so upset, with these huge Cindy-Loo-Who tears streaming down her cheeks, she came home that same day a different kid with way more confidence knowing that she would be challenged.
The cool thing about this is that she totally advocated for herself and made that change. She works hard and it shows. The teachers love her. Especially her ski coaches. One has told me that they have never seen a kid so excited all the time when she is on the mountain. And it is contagious. She loves every bit of winter and the cold. Crazy.
I've shed a lot of tears over the past 2 months because parenting has really given me a run for my money. It's the hardest thing I have ever encountered. This week has been a good one for my parenting confidence.
I have to brag for a bit. So if parents who brag about their kids make you gag, don't read on.
I have good kids. Both, completely different from one another but both equally good in their own way.
Jordan has been swimming and loving the team and the team has taken her in like she has been a friend for life. No judgement, no drama, no attitudes. Just good kids having a great time as a team of swimmers. As many issues as Jordan has not one of those girls seem to care and they include her in everything. Her endorphins have kicked in and she is happier. She swims 5 days a week. We get up twice a week because she has to be at the pool by six. That means we have to leave our house at 5:15 am and it's tough. She swims 2 meets a week and the drive is a long one to Denver from here. Tuesday I drove down to Denver to see the meet and I watched her swim the 50 fly. It was awesome and she swam it well. Her stroke was beautiful. It was worth the drive. She hasn't complained once about swimming. I love that sport.
Hannah has been busting her butt in school. Last month she got off of her IEP which made her a special ed student. I have said this before and I'll say it again. GET RID OF STANDARDIZED TESTING!! She scores low on those tests but is an excellent student. Needless to say, she was ecstatic when she felt like she was not a "dumb" kid or a "sped". Well, she was placed in a lower level reading and math class and was just bummed about it. For a couple of weeks she has been asking me to set up an appointment with her teachers to discuss this. Her thought process, with good reason, is that why did she work so hard in school to get off her IEP and now she's not seeing any benefits from it? She kept thinking "why am I still in the sped classes? Good point. She called me at work and asked me if I had emailed school. I'm telling you she is on it. I asked her which teachers needed to be addressed and she told me. Then she said, "Mom, before you set up an appointment let me tell you when I'm free". Ha Ha. She's so organized but that's one thing I do know. When she is free. She cracks me up. Anyway, I email and they explain why she is in the classes she's in, because of the standardized tests, and after they thought about her situation they moved her to a higher level class and the morning she was so upset, with these huge Cindy-Loo-Who tears streaming down her cheeks, she came home that same day a different kid with way more confidence knowing that she would be challenged.
The cool thing about this is that she totally advocated for herself and made that change. She works hard and it shows. The teachers love her. Especially her ski coaches. One has told me that they have never seen a kid so excited all the time when she is on the mountain. And it is contagious. She loves every bit of winter and the cold. Crazy.
I've shed a lot of tears over the past 2 months because parenting has really given me a run for my money. It's the hardest thing I have ever encountered. This week has been a good one for my parenting confidence.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
We Are Family
Lately, we haven't been watching TV. I mean, we watch TV but it's not going on first thing in the morning on Saturday or Sunday and I'm not having to yell, "turn the TV off!"
The girls, for some reason, have been waking up and doing other stuff. Arts and crafts, violin, cards, just piddling around. It's been wonderful. This morning I did, however, wake up to them playing ping pong on the wii. I laid in bed listening to the funny comments and banter between them. When I got up I got my coffee and watched them. Jack came in after working on his skis all morning and we all decided to go for a walk up Deer Creek.
We got on our winter clothes and headed out the door. The girls had sleds, Jack had his snow skate, teller had a stick and I had the camera. We walked up the first hill and stashed the sleds in the woods because we wanted to hike up further to see what Jack has named 'Little Alaska.'
Little Alaska is an area in Deer Creek we ski in the winter. There is a wall of chutes and cornices that he felt needed that name. It's super cool to ski and we ski up there often with the snowmobiles towing us up there.
We hiked up to the culvert and got a good look at Little Alaska and even though there is snow up there it's still not enough to ski. Safely that is. Our walk was fun with just the 4 of us plus Teller. We sang, laughed, threw snow, talked and told stories and most importantly, we enjoyed each other and had a great time. I took a couple of pictures but never enough. We decided not to take our Christmas picture because Buster, our cat, wasn't with the family and that wouldn't be nice to him.
We walked back down to where we had stashed the sleds and sledded down the most fun part of the hill to the parking lot. I always love looking at my house from Deer Creek. I still can't believe I live in such beautiful mountains.
The girls, for some reason, have been waking up and doing other stuff. Arts and crafts, violin, cards, just piddling around. It's been wonderful. This morning I did, however, wake up to them playing ping pong on the wii. I laid in bed listening to the funny comments and banter between them. When I got up I got my coffee and watched them. Jack came in after working on his skis all morning and we all decided to go for a walk up Deer Creek.
We got on our winter clothes and headed out the door. The girls had sleds, Jack had his snow skate, teller had a stick and I had the camera. We walked up the first hill and stashed the sleds in the woods because we wanted to hike up further to see what Jack has named 'Little Alaska.'
Little Alaska is an area in Deer Creek we ski in the winter. There is a wall of chutes and cornices that he felt needed that name. It's super cool to ski and we ski up there often with the snowmobiles towing us up there.
We hiked up to the culvert and got a good look at Little Alaska and even though there is snow up there it's still not enough to ski. Safely that is. Our walk was fun with just the 4 of us plus Teller. We sang, laughed, threw snow, talked and told stories and most importantly, we enjoyed each other and had a great time. I took a couple of pictures but never enough. We decided not to take our Christmas picture because Buster, our cat, wasn't with the family and that wouldn't be nice to him.
We walked back down to where we had stashed the sleds and sledded down the most fun part of the hill to the parking lot. I always love looking at my house from Deer Creek. I still can't believe I live in such beautiful mountains.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
I never really think about all of the things I'm thankful for. I take it all too for granted like many of us do but this year I really focused on what I am thankful for and here are some of the things.
I did boycott Black Friday though and I am thankful for that. Now, I can take a breather and soon we will focus on Christmas.
- My husband, Jack. He is a great guy and puts up with me.
- Of course, my kids. Good, bad, ugly. It's all part of it and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
- My health. Even though I haven't been feeling up to par for a few weeks it's nothing serious and I have only broken one bone, my clavicle, in 48 years and most of those years I've lived a very active life.
- My friends. I love my friends. I have picked good people to be around.
- My job. I am happy to have a job with great benefits.
- My house. I love my little cabin in the woods.
- My pets. They keep me laughing and I love the fact that I can spoon with my dog, Teller.
- My sense of humor. I love to laugh and I laugh often.
- My entire family who are spread out all over the U.S.
- My car. I love my car and after driving home in a huge wind/snowstorm last night it sure handles well on snowy roads. I came upon a large tree that had blown over right onto the road and had to veer quickly around it. I almost slammed into it. My car is awesome.
I did boycott Black Friday though and I am thankful for that. Now, I can take a breather and soon we will focus on Christmas.
Monday, November 21, 2011
My People
Last night I went bowling for our employee party. It's pretty amazing the camaraderie we all have with one another.
I think this was thrown together kind of last minute so an email went out last week inviting us all to the bowling alley for a get together. Usually when something like that is last minute a handful of people may show up. Not with our motley crew. Everyone was there. Front of the house, back of the house, management too.
We walked in and the bowling alley was empty with the exception of a couple of people wrapping up a game. We gathered around a table waiting for everyone to show and within 15 minutes 25 or so of us were high fiving, fist bumping, hugging, shaking hands. It was as if we all hadn't seen each other in years. It's been 5 weeks. The energy was good and we were all feeling warm and fuzzy being with our 'kind' again. We're like a special tribe, us restaurant folk. We have our own language, and no one is easily offended.
After our warm welcomes and feeling the love we got shoes, pitchers of beer, cocktails, food and balls. We broke up into teams and started bowling. The jokes were flying, everyone was aware of the other lanes and how others were bowling, wise cracks were being thrown out and there was laughter all around. We were all mingling and having a ball.
Before last night I was so not ready to go back to work. Now, I am.
I am grateful to work in such a positive environment, which is kind of an oxymoron. Restaurant business, positive environment?
Yes, it is possible. We're living proof.
I think this was thrown together kind of last minute so an email went out last week inviting us all to the bowling alley for a get together. Usually when something like that is last minute a handful of people may show up. Not with our motley crew. Everyone was there. Front of the house, back of the house, management too.
We walked in and the bowling alley was empty with the exception of a couple of people wrapping up a game. We gathered around a table waiting for everyone to show and within 15 minutes 25 or so of us were high fiving, fist bumping, hugging, shaking hands. It was as if we all hadn't seen each other in years. It's been 5 weeks. The energy was good and we were all feeling warm and fuzzy being with our 'kind' again. We're like a special tribe, us restaurant folk. We have our own language, and no one is easily offended.
After our warm welcomes and feeling the love we got shoes, pitchers of beer, cocktails, food and balls. We broke up into teams and started bowling. The jokes were flying, everyone was aware of the other lanes and how others were bowling, wise cracks were being thrown out and there was laughter all around. We were all mingling and having a ball.
Before last night I was so not ready to go back to work. Now, I am.
I am grateful to work in such a positive environment, which is kind of an oxymoron. Restaurant business, positive environment?
Yes, it is possible. We're living proof.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Hannah Hit the Slopes
Well, my daughter, Hannah, beat me again. She got out skiing before I did. She got new skis, boots and poles and got her pass, which I still don't have for this season. She's on it. And, she is one motivated individual to ski. I love her passion and her great attitude and it's contagious. I'm going to get may pass tomorrow and hopefully hit the slope. There may be more than one open that I'll ski but early season is pretty limited.
The weather has been nice with the occasional snow shower but nothing as of late has come our way. I'm crossing my fingers in hopes we'll have another season like we did last year. That was crazy good.
In the mean time we'll be thankful for the snow we do have and after a 5 week break from work I go back on Tuesday. I'm a little mixed about starting up my job because I really don't feel ready to go balls to the wall yet. But, we need the money and it is sure to be a profitable one given the reservations we already have for Thanksgiving. I am grateful that I even get a break. I can't imagine doing what I do year round, 5 days a week with no substantial break. So, thank you.
The weather has been nice with the occasional snow shower but nothing as of late has come our way. I'm crossing my fingers in hopes we'll have another season like we did last year. That was crazy good.
In the mean time we'll be thankful for the snow we do have and after a 5 week break from work I go back on Tuesday. I'm a little mixed about starting up my job because I really don't feel ready to go balls to the wall yet. But, we need the money and it is sure to be a profitable one given the reservations we already have for Thanksgiving. I am grateful that I even get a break. I can't imagine doing what I do year round, 5 days a week with no substantial break. So, thank you.
Friday, November 18, 2011
5 a.m.... Against the Law.
There ought to be a law that states waking up before 7am is illegal. I know all of you morning weirdos out there think that I'm crazy but if you could see me before 7am you'd vote yes. This morning I had to wake up at 5:00 so I could get Jordan to swim practice by 6. Of course, she couldn't wake up so I was stressing about it and we got into a little fight and by the time we drove out of the driveway at 5:30 this morning I knew we'd be late. Too bad so sad, coach.
I forgot my purse and didn't even have the decency to put on a bra. Luckily for the cop who may have had to pull me over for speeding but didn't, I was wearing a huge winter coat that went down to the floor, practically. I did get my coffee to go though so I wasn't going to cry.
I got in the car and started driving down the icy, windy mountain road and J was telling me to hurry up. The road was terrible and I made a mental note to call the road people to have them come up with some sand or I would be in the ditch. Every corrner I came around I kept thinking this is it. I'm going to spin out. I wasn't that stupid. I was taking it easy much to Jordan's dismay. She had the stereo cranked up loudly to Glee's CD, I think number 6 or something. We listen to it over and over and over and over and over and over and over, oh sorry. I made a mental note to lose that CD for awhile.
We got to school at 6 exactly and I drove to the wrong door because I'm new at this morning practice thing. We drove around to the pool door, which naturally, that is where the girls would enter. Sometime this summer they built a huge curb where there wasn't one and we drove up that curb and J kept saying, "you can't drive over that!".. "MOM, you can't drive over that!!!"
Watch me. We were late and by gawd I was pissed off at the new curb. Jordan made it to swim and I drove home in peace and quiet and took a nap. I had to get some more shut eye before I went to my 11:00 new windshield appointment and then to Jordan's 3:00 Dentist appointment to have 3 teeth pulled. It just never ends. After explaining to the Dentist that Jordan has huge anxiety and I could predict what would happen when we got home I asked her if she could prescribe something to get Jordan to sleep tonight because I knew the outcome of our teeth pulling day. She and I both decided that vicodin would be to much and Valium stays in the system too long and all in all I really didn't want Jordan on a narcotic with her other meds so I drove to Vitamin Cottage and got some Valerian root and called it good. It worked and J is resting and after about a half hour of OMG I got her settled down and happy. Ice cream and Valerian. It's a good combo.
So, tomorrow we wake up for one more appointment for a school sport physical and we should be done for a while.
But, I'm happy to say that I no longer have a crack in my windshield from the top to the bottom straight in my view and I have brand new windshield wipers and he vacuumed out my car for me. It was exceptionally good customer service which one doesn't see much of any more.
I may have to pop a couple of natural sleeping pills and call it a night too.
I forgot my purse and didn't even have the decency to put on a bra. Luckily for the cop who may have had to pull me over for speeding but didn't, I was wearing a huge winter coat that went down to the floor, practically. I did get my coffee to go though so I wasn't going to cry.
I got in the car and started driving down the icy, windy mountain road and J was telling me to hurry up. The road was terrible and I made a mental note to call the road people to have them come up with some sand or I would be in the ditch. Every corrner I came around I kept thinking this is it. I'm going to spin out. I wasn't that stupid. I was taking it easy much to Jordan's dismay. She had the stereo cranked up loudly to Glee's CD, I think number 6 or something. We listen to it over and over and over and over and over and over and over, oh sorry. I made a mental note to lose that CD for awhile.
We got to school at 6 exactly and I drove to the wrong door because I'm new at this morning practice thing. We drove around to the pool door, which naturally, that is where the girls would enter. Sometime this summer they built a huge curb where there wasn't one and we drove up that curb and J kept saying, "you can't drive over that!".. "MOM, you can't drive over that!!!"
Watch me. We were late and by gawd I was pissed off at the new curb. Jordan made it to swim and I drove home in peace and quiet and took a nap. I had to get some more shut eye before I went to my 11:00 new windshield appointment and then to Jordan's 3:00 Dentist appointment to have 3 teeth pulled. It just never ends. After explaining to the Dentist that Jordan has huge anxiety and I could predict what would happen when we got home I asked her if she could prescribe something to get Jordan to sleep tonight because I knew the outcome of our teeth pulling day. She and I both decided that vicodin would be to much and Valium stays in the system too long and all in all I really didn't want Jordan on a narcotic with her other meds so I drove to Vitamin Cottage and got some Valerian root and called it good. It worked and J is resting and after about a half hour of OMG I got her settled down and happy. Ice cream and Valerian. It's a good combo.
So, tomorrow we wake up for one more appointment for a school sport physical and we should be done for a while.
But, I'm happy to say that I no longer have a crack in my windshield from the top to the bottom straight in my view and I have brand new windshield wipers and he vacuumed out my car for me. It was exceptionally good customer service which one doesn't see much of any more.
I may have to pop a couple of natural sleeping pills and call it a night too.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
My First Grey Hair
I've thought about ending my blog. It seems kind of redundant to me at times to keep writing the same ole, same ole. I think I was trying to hard to come up with "material" that would be interesting. Well, to tell you the truth this writing stuff is like therapy to me and I am pleased to announce to myself, and whom ever else reads this stuff, that I am not ending my blog. I know my Dad, for one, will be happy about that. So read on and some of this will get pretty juicy.
I feel like I've lived 10 years in the past one month. I ended my job on October 17th for 5 weeks because that's what the restaurant does. It shuts down to regroup for the next season. Winter. Which equals snow, skiing/riding, tourists, holidays, busy. I don't know how I can get any busier. During our break I scheduled every appointment known to Mom. Dentist, doctors, ortho, therapist, you name it we've been. And that is not to mention the extra curricular activities that are involved in this schedule.
Oh, and did I mention I threw in a trip to MN in there too? With a side trip to Madison? Here's how my break has been so far.
Like I said, on October 17th I worked the last night of the restaurant being opened until Thanksgiving. A little cleaning and putting away stuff and we were good to go. That week I had a crown on a tooth and my annual check up. We drove to Denver and spent the night with my cousins on Friday night and drove home on Saturday so I could work a fancy, schmancy wine function for Keystone. It was not worth it but I had fun and was out of there by 10. Sunday was my rest day which consisted of watching the Vikings get beat by the Packers. End of week one of my break. Week two consisted of more appointments, violin practice, meetings at school and getting ready for Halloween which is always a huge thing. Halloween came and went and now I'm starting my 3rd week of break so I get on a plane and head for MN, by myself, no kids. MN was another whirlwind of packing it all in, seeing friends, not seeing friends, you bastards, and then we threw in a quick trip to Madison for the weekend to see my older brother and his family which was definitely the highlight of my trip. I love that family because they are perfect in every way, the bastards. Back in the car for the 5 hour drive to Mpls and I'm all energetic and pumped up and rejuvenated and motivated to change my family to be just like my brothers' family. I've got a great plan and I am prepared. MN gave me another day to do stuff and off to my mountain home by Tuesday. I'm now in my 4th week of break and I feel as if I need a vacation. I get home on Tuesday night and Jordan has to let me know how pissed off she is at me for abandoning her for a week and goes into a rage like no other. She is throwing things and cussing and smashes a lamp with glass all over and finally breaks down into an exhausted sleep and I am now realizing that my plan to be like my brothers' family is just not going to happen. Time for more appointments the following day, the biggie being an ortho appointment only to be told that Jordan needs braces to the tune of 3 years and $5100. Yippy skippy, So I'm trying to figure out how to tell Jack this because he is going to have a cow. Jordan is now wearing a retainer which is giving her a huge headache and she can't stop playing with it, hence a new thing to fight about. Friday comes too quickly and I'm off again for an overnight to Jordan's speech and debate tournament in downtown Denver. 18 kids, the coach and me. Now, I'm new at the speech and debate thing and it's actually pretty amazing to see. It's a whole new academic world, one that I'm not so sure we belong in. I was thrown to the wolves and was made a judge and we spent 20 hours at a school for this incredible tournament. Jordan was a complete train wreck and I was walking around like I was lost in a corn maze, which is how I felt. But to say the least we survived and I had fun. The drive home was stressful as there was a huge storm in the mountains which we knew we were driving straight into, Jordan had the biggest meltdown in the car with other school passengers present and had to witness what one of her meltdowns looks like. She ended up getting herself so worked up that by the time we got up to the tunnel it was a blizzard outside, she got sicker than a dog and vomited her entire weekend out of her system into the Tokyo Joe's bag I thankfully had. Now, I have the white knuckle drive down from the tunnel, windows down, in a blizzard, with 2 highchool girls in the back seat wondering WTF, and a bag full of vomit, with Jordan still dry heaving in the bag. We were all exhausted. We get to the school with a side trip to the gas station so J can clean up a bit, and I said goodbye and sorry to the two girls who had the misfortune of having to ride home with us but in return we got a new passenger because I told his parents I would drive him home. Well, we get to his neighborhood and Jordan has to barf again but we have no bag so I stopped in the middle of the road in the middle of the blizzard and she had to heave out the door. Poor guy in the back was horrified. I gave him a look and told him he is a true friend. We get home finally at 11 or so and I can't wait to curl up with my cat and my blanket in my comfy clothes and veg in front of the TV with a glass of wine. I do and BOOM!!. Power outage. No problem, I'll just go to bed.
We woke up the next day with no power, a freezing house and no water. No problem, these things get fixed within a matter of a few hours. Not today. 5pm came and it is now getting pretty dark. I get candles and light them and we wait. And wait. Jack finally takes the girls to dinner down the hill and half the town of Montezuma is there too. I opted not to go because I had now come down with the nasty cold my Dad gave to me in MN. They got home and had full bellies and Jordan was worried about her hair the next morning if we didn't have power. She still hadn't washed it and had barfed a little in it but washed it out at the gas station. I told her we'll deal with it the next morning if we still don't have power. Well, the next morning came and we were still without power. Hannah was raring to go and I gave J the option. She opted not to get out of her warm bed only to face a freezing house. I don't blame her nor did I make her get up. She had a huge weekend and was not in a good place. She did get up at 7 though and realized that staying home in a cold house with no power or water was not going to be fun so I drove her to school at 8 and they let her have an excused absence. We did get our power back, finally that afternoon as I was packing an overnight bag to stay elsewhere.
I had invited some friends over about 2 months ago for the Monday night football game, Vikings/Packers. I bought football food and cleaned the house, took a vacuum to the floor which hadn't been done in about a month. I called my friends to let them know that unbeknownst to me Jordan started swim team this night and I'd be home at 7:30 so start without me. I get a call from my daughter and she tell me, "Mom, we have a slight problem. Kurtis and Tracy aren't coming up anymore." I ask why, concerned and she tells me it's because we don't get the channel that the football game is on. I ask how is that possible and she tells me Monday night football is on ESPN, which we DO NOT GET!! Can you say embarrassing. So we politely invite ourselves up to their house and watch a huge ass kicking done by the Packers. But, we ate our football food and had fun.
Now I'm in my 5th week of break and tonight we are driving down to Denver to see The Lion King at The Buell Theatre and it's snowing. It's going to be a late night and I'm sick. I'm going anyway. I'll bring my NyQuil and my cough drops and a good attitude, dammit. I'll finish my break with another trip to Denver to see my hormone doctor followed by a dentist appointment for Jordan rounding that up with a physical check up for Jordan on Saturday. I'll go back to work on Tuesday not rested and cranky.
This story brings me to the title of my post. While we were down in Denver I was getting ready for bed after a huge long day at the speech and debate tournament. I was in my motel bathroom and the lighting was fluorescent lighting on my head and I see it. A huge, protruding grey hair sticking straight out of the top of my head. It was like it was calling for me to see it and I did. I pulled that sucker out of my head and inspected it like I have inspected nothing else in my life. I almost cried. But I didn't, I laughed. I threw the grey hair in the toilet like it was a dead gold fish and flushed the toilet.
I guess I need to make an appointment to see my hair stylist. I'll do that tomorrow.
I feel like I've lived 10 years in the past one month. I ended my job on October 17th for 5 weeks because that's what the restaurant does. It shuts down to regroup for the next season. Winter. Which equals snow, skiing/riding, tourists, holidays, busy. I don't know how I can get any busier. During our break I scheduled every appointment known to Mom. Dentist, doctors, ortho, therapist, you name it we've been. And that is not to mention the extra curricular activities that are involved in this schedule.
Oh, and did I mention I threw in a trip to MN in there too? With a side trip to Madison? Here's how my break has been so far.
Like I said, on October 17th I worked the last night of the restaurant being opened until Thanksgiving. A little cleaning and putting away stuff and we were good to go. That week I had a crown on a tooth and my annual check up. We drove to Denver and spent the night with my cousins on Friday night and drove home on Saturday so I could work a fancy, schmancy wine function for Keystone. It was not worth it but I had fun and was out of there by 10. Sunday was my rest day which consisted of watching the Vikings get beat by the Packers. End of week one of my break. Week two consisted of more appointments, violin practice, meetings at school and getting ready for Halloween which is always a huge thing. Halloween came and went and now I'm starting my 3rd week of break so I get on a plane and head for MN, by myself, no kids. MN was another whirlwind of packing it all in, seeing friends, not seeing friends, you bastards, and then we threw in a quick trip to Madison for the weekend to see my older brother and his family which was definitely the highlight of my trip. I love that family because they are perfect in every way, the bastards. Back in the car for the 5 hour drive to Mpls and I'm all energetic and pumped up and rejuvenated and motivated to change my family to be just like my brothers' family. I've got a great plan and I am prepared. MN gave me another day to do stuff and off to my mountain home by Tuesday. I'm now in my 4th week of break and I feel as if I need a vacation. I get home on Tuesday night and Jordan has to let me know how pissed off she is at me for abandoning her for a week and goes into a rage like no other. She is throwing things and cussing and smashes a lamp with glass all over and finally breaks down into an exhausted sleep and I am now realizing that my plan to be like my brothers' family is just not going to happen. Time for more appointments the following day, the biggie being an ortho appointment only to be told that Jordan needs braces to the tune of 3 years and $5100. Yippy skippy, So I'm trying to figure out how to tell Jack this because he is going to have a cow. Jordan is now wearing a retainer which is giving her a huge headache and she can't stop playing with it, hence a new thing to fight about. Friday comes too quickly and I'm off again for an overnight to Jordan's speech and debate tournament in downtown Denver. 18 kids, the coach and me. Now, I'm new at the speech and debate thing and it's actually pretty amazing to see. It's a whole new academic world, one that I'm not so sure we belong in. I was thrown to the wolves and was made a judge and we spent 20 hours at a school for this incredible tournament. Jordan was a complete train wreck and I was walking around like I was lost in a corn maze, which is how I felt. But to say the least we survived and I had fun. The drive home was stressful as there was a huge storm in the mountains which we knew we were driving straight into, Jordan had the biggest meltdown in the car with other school passengers present and had to witness what one of her meltdowns looks like. She ended up getting herself so worked up that by the time we got up to the tunnel it was a blizzard outside, she got sicker than a dog and vomited her entire weekend out of her system into the Tokyo Joe's bag I thankfully had. Now, I have the white knuckle drive down from the tunnel, windows down, in a blizzard, with 2 highchool girls in the back seat wondering WTF, and a bag full of vomit, with Jordan still dry heaving in the bag. We were all exhausted. We get to the school with a side trip to the gas station so J can clean up a bit, and I said goodbye and sorry to the two girls who had the misfortune of having to ride home with us but in return we got a new passenger because I told his parents I would drive him home. Well, we get to his neighborhood and Jordan has to barf again but we have no bag so I stopped in the middle of the road in the middle of the blizzard and she had to heave out the door. Poor guy in the back was horrified. I gave him a look and told him he is a true friend. We get home finally at 11 or so and I can't wait to curl up with my cat and my blanket in my comfy clothes and veg in front of the TV with a glass of wine. I do and BOOM!!. Power outage. No problem, I'll just go to bed.
We woke up the next day with no power, a freezing house and no water. No problem, these things get fixed within a matter of a few hours. Not today. 5pm came and it is now getting pretty dark. I get candles and light them and we wait. And wait. Jack finally takes the girls to dinner down the hill and half the town of Montezuma is there too. I opted not to go because I had now come down with the nasty cold my Dad gave to me in MN. They got home and had full bellies and Jordan was worried about her hair the next morning if we didn't have power. She still hadn't washed it and had barfed a little in it but washed it out at the gas station. I told her we'll deal with it the next morning if we still don't have power. Well, the next morning came and we were still without power. Hannah was raring to go and I gave J the option. She opted not to get out of her warm bed only to face a freezing house. I don't blame her nor did I make her get up. She had a huge weekend and was not in a good place. She did get up at 7 though and realized that staying home in a cold house with no power or water was not going to be fun so I drove her to school at 8 and they let her have an excused absence. We did get our power back, finally that afternoon as I was packing an overnight bag to stay elsewhere.
I had invited some friends over about 2 months ago for the Monday night football game, Vikings/Packers. I bought football food and cleaned the house, took a vacuum to the floor which hadn't been done in about a month. I called my friends to let them know that unbeknownst to me Jordan started swim team this night and I'd be home at 7:30 so start without me. I get a call from my daughter and she tell me, "Mom, we have a slight problem. Kurtis and Tracy aren't coming up anymore." I ask why, concerned and she tells me it's because we don't get the channel that the football game is on. I ask how is that possible and she tells me Monday night football is on ESPN, which we DO NOT GET!! Can you say embarrassing. So we politely invite ourselves up to their house and watch a huge ass kicking done by the Packers. But, we ate our football food and had fun.
Now I'm in my 5th week of break and tonight we are driving down to Denver to see The Lion King at The Buell Theatre and it's snowing. It's going to be a late night and I'm sick. I'm going anyway. I'll bring my NyQuil and my cough drops and a good attitude, dammit. I'll finish my break with another trip to Denver to see my hormone doctor followed by a dentist appointment for Jordan rounding that up with a physical check up for Jordan on Saturday. I'll go back to work on Tuesday not rested and cranky.
This story brings me to the title of my post. While we were down in Denver I was getting ready for bed after a huge long day at the speech and debate tournament. I was in my motel bathroom and the lighting was fluorescent lighting on my head and I see it. A huge, protruding grey hair sticking straight out of the top of my head. It was like it was calling for me to see it and I did. I pulled that sucker out of my head and inspected it like I have inspected nothing else in my life. I almost cried. But I didn't, I laughed. I threw the grey hair in the toilet like it was a dead gold fish and flushed the toilet.
I guess I need to make an appointment to see my hair stylist. I'll do that tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Winter is Here
Winter is here to stay, I think. It's snowing today and we received our first real snowfall a few days ago. It never melted to that is a good indication that winter is here to stay.
I didn't think we had much of a fall but last year we were spoiled and the weather was beautiful and lasted a good long time. Luckily for me though I got all of my flowers cut back, lawn furniture put away, seeds spread, I'm ready to have it snow without stressing about getting it all done.
We are cozy warm with our fires going and heaters turned on. I'm a little excited about the upcoming ski season. It helps to want to ski rather than feel like you have to ski. I haven't been exercising this past month so the sluggish feeling will be nice not to feel. At least when the ski areas open I'll be able to get some turns in and feel like I am getting some exercise. It's a vicious cycle I get myself into with the exercise thing. I wish I was one of those super motivated people who could wake up at 6 a.m. and get out and run 5 miles, in any type of weather. Not gonna happen.
I get to go to MN while I am on my 5 week break from work. I can't wait to take that break and I will see my Dad and brothers for a bit. It's a much needed break and thanks to my husband for giving me a hall pass for a bit to do that. The only downfall is that it'll be November and I've never liked November in MN. I'll get over it though. It's great to be home where I grew up either way. I'm very sentimental that way.
Stay warm if you are in a cold area and Costa Rica is still on our minds constantly. We will get back.
I didn't think we had much of a fall but last year we were spoiled and the weather was beautiful and lasted a good long time. Luckily for me though I got all of my flowers cut back, lawn furniture put away, seeds spread, I'm ready to have it snow without stressing about getting it all done.
We are cozy warm with our fires going and heaters turned on. I'm a little excited about the upcoming ski season. It helps to want to ski rather than feel like you have to ski. I haven't been exercising this past month so the sluggish feeling will be nice not to feel. At least when the ski areas open I'll be able to get some turns in and feel like I am getting some exercise. It's a vicious cycle I get myself into with the exercise thing. I wish I was one of those super motivated people who could wake up at 6 a.m. and get out and run 5 miles, in any type of weather. Not gonna happen.
I get to go to MN while I am on my 5 week break from work. I can't wait to take that break and I will see my Dad and brothers for a bit. It's a much needed break and thanks to my husband for giving me a hall pass for a bit to do that. The only downfall is that it'll be November and I've never liked November in MN. I'll get over it though. It's great to be home where I grew up either way. I'm very sentimental that way.
Stay warm if you are in a cold area and Costa Rica is still on our minds constantly. We will get back.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
My Horoscope Today
You may not be comfortable if you're put in a position where you have to defend your position today. You might even try to sidestep an important issue by avoiding a direct confrontation. However, conflict becomes more likely if you don't face the differences head-on. Fortunately, everyone will feel more relieved after everything is out in the open.
This is my horoscope for today.
Funny that I had to confront a very difficult situation today with a friend. It wasn't funny at all. It downright sucked.
We have a great friend who happens to rent from us. We had to ask him to move on tonight. Meaning, find another place to live. The reasons are many but mostly when someone is self destructing and is doing so in a manner that is dangerous and unhealthy it's time to not enable the situation anymore and remove myself and my family from the situation. Which is what we did. Not fun. We've had tremendous support from many of our mutual friends and I couldn't be more thankful.
This was a difficult week for dealing with difficult topics.
Substance abuse is serious folks and if you are in it or are enabling it I feel your pain. I cannot be a part of someone dying a slow death.
Heavy, heavy sigh.
This is my horoscope for today.
Funny that I had to confront a very difficult situation today with a friend. It wasn't funny at all. It downright sucked.
We have a great friend who happens to rent from us. We had to ask him to move on tonight. Meaning, find another place to live. The reasons are many but mostly when someone is self destructing and is doing so in a manner that is dangerous and unhealthy it's time to not enable the situation anymore and remove myself and my family from the situation. Which is what we did. Not fun. We've had tremendous support from many of our mutual friends and I couldn't be more thankful.
This was a difficult week for dealing with difficult topics.
Substance abuse is serious folks and if you are in it or are enabling it I feel your pain. I cannot be a part of someone dying a slow death.
Heavy, heavy sigh.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
High School Drama Already
Life with kids doesn't get easier. It just shifts. I have a feeling we are in for a rude awakening this winter with our new activities. However the key word here is activities which has the word active in it.
I officially have a kid in high school now and this is a very interesting time. I remember back when I started high school and it changed my life. I went from a naive, innocent, marching band geek to a, I quit everything, tried many things, and got a bad boy boyfriend girl. Needless to say my parents were not happy with me as I was plowing my way into a life of sex, drugs and rock and roll. It was all about how much fun I could have and let me tell you, I had fun. My daughter will have fun too but not in the same way. Over my dead body.
My 15 year old daughter is a lot like me. She likes to do just the littlest amount of work to squeak by. She doesn't want to be involved. At first it sounds great but when it really comes down to it she doesn't want to join. This is where we are right now.
When we registered her for high school she signed up for speech and debate, the swim team and theatre in the spring. Well, she is now in speech and debate and wants to quit, has already told me there is no way in H. E. double hockey sticks she is going to swim and she'll think about auditioning for the play. Well, little does she know that she will not be going through high school like I did. Uninvolved. I'm standing firm and so far so good with speech and debate. She realizes it'll be a lot of work and that is a 4 letter word she hates. There aren't many. But I really thing S&D can change her life and make her a more confident person and once she realizes she's good at it, which I am confident with all of her drama she will be, she will enjoy, no, love it. It is going to take a lot of money and some travel which could pose a problem but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I may add a paypal button to my blog. Kidding. I've seen those though and wonder how on earth.
Swim team she doesn't want to do because of her hair. Her hair is an issue for her as it is with so many high school girls. She has some practices in the morning and other than the fact that we'll have to be over at the pool before school even starts she's concerned about how she's going to get ready for school after practice. I'm concerned with how the heck we'll even get out of bed that early. But, I'm sticking to my guns there too. I've paid the fees and she'll swim and like it. Hopefully.
Theatre isn't for a few months and she will be trying out for the play. It's what she does and that is her passion.
The anxiety attacks are killing me though. How does one deal with this type of anxiety. Let her quit? I don't think so.
She'll thank me in her senior year when she doesn't get voted biggest partier of her class.
I officially have a kid in high school now and this is a very interesting time. I remember back when I started high school and it changed my life. I went from a naive, innocent, marching band geek to a, I quit everything, tried many things, and got a bad boy boyfriend girl. Needless to say my parents were not happy with me as I was plowing my way into a life of sex, drugs and rock and roll. It was all about how much fun I could have and let me tell you, I had fun. My daughter will have fun too but not in the same way. Over my dead body.
My 15 year old daughter is a lot like me. She likes to do just the littlest amount of work to squeak by. She doesn't want to be involved. At first it sounds great but when it really comes down to it she doesn't want to join. This is where we are right now.
When we registered her for high school she signed up for speech and debate, the swim team and theatre in the spring. Well, she is now in speech and debate and wants to quit, has already told me there is no way in H. E. double hockey sticks she is going to swim and she'll think about auditioning for the play. Well, little does she know that she will not be going through high school like I did. Uninvolved. I'm standing firm and so far so good with speech and debate. She realizes it'll be a lot of work and that is a 4 letter word she hates. There aren't many. But I really thing S&D can change her life and make her a more confident person and once she realizes she's good at it, which I am confident with all of her drama she will be, she will enjoy, no, love it. It is going to take a lot of money and some travel which could pose a problem but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I may add a paypal button to my blog. Kidding. I've seen those though and wonder how on earth.
Swim team she doesn't want to do because of her hair. Her hair is an issue for her as it is with so many high school girls. She has some practices in the morning and other than the fact that we'll have to be over at the pool before school even starts she's concerned about how she's going to get ready for school after practice. I'm concerned with how the heck we'll even get out of bed that early. But, I'm sticking to my guns there too. I've paid the fees and she'll swim and like it. Hopefully.
Theatre isn't for a few months and she will be trying out for the play. It's what she does and that is her passion.
The anxiety attacks are killing me though. How does one deal with this type of anxiety. Let her quit? I don't think so.
She'll thank me in her senior year when she doesn't get voted biggest partier of her class.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
More John Flanagan
Flanagan never followed the rules, except with me. Why? I'm not sure but I'm glad I could keep him somewhat in line. I'm proud of that.
There is a formal service for him October 1st at, where else? Arapahoe Basin. Which is ironic because he was actually banned from the ski area for breaking the rules one too many times. But, it is truly a spiritual place for many of us and we all started our ski bumming careers up there.
By John abiding by the rules with me this is another story.
I don't don't know if this falls under the rule breaking category but it's a good example of how he respected me. Why? I really don't know.
John, as I've written before, was our best man in our wedding. We were leaving our house for 3 weeks for our honeymoon and asked John if he'd stay at the house. He agreed and we were all happy. Jack and I drove down the driveway and left John in charge. Naturally, he threw a party. All of our friends showed up and partied on the deck. We had just moved into the house so we really didn't have a yard or fire pit or much. But we had a great big deck with views to match. Everyone brought something to grill because that's what you do. Someone asked John to light the grill and John went into serious mode. If you've seen serious mode in John you knew he meant business. He said no one could use the grill because it was brand new and it would be just wrong to use it before Jack and Hef did. I'm sure everyone just looked at him and just busted a gut laughing thinking "what the hell?"
Well, he was serious. He wouldn't let anyone touch the "virgin" grill and I'm not sure how they cooked but that was just John. Go figure.
Sometimes I would see John on the top of Pali and it would be dumping and his mustache was caked with snow and ice. I would get off the chair and he'd give me a big hug and say "c'mon Hef. I'm gonna show you some of the best powder out here." I'd follow and when we'd get to the ski area boundary he'd duck under the rope. I would put on the breaks and say "John, I'm not going to do it." He'd try to coerce me into ducking under that rope to ski the steep gullies and I wouldn't budge. He would come back and we'd ski down, get on the lift and hike up out of the gate. After all, that's the rules. He would always follow the rules with me. I loved him for that and the Arapahoe Basin Ski Patrol would not believe their eyes. He was capable.
I loved that for some reason I could get him to follow the rules. He has always been such a gentleman around me which I know some never saw that side of him.
Flanagan was a good person and a true friend. I hope I get a chance to tell some of these stories at his service on October 1st.
There is a formal service for him October 1st at, where else? Arapahoe Basin. Which is ironic because he was actually banned from the ski area for breaking the rules one too many times. But, it is truly a spiritual place for many of us and we all started our ski bumming careers up there.
By John abiding by the rules with me this is another story.
I don't don't know if this falls under the rule breaking category but it's a good example of how he respected me. Why? I really don't know.
John, as I've written before, was our best man in our wedding. We were leaving our house for 3 weeks for our honeymoon and asked John if he'd stay at the house. He agreed and we were all happy. Jack and I drove down the driveway and left John in charge. Naturally, he threw a party. All of our friends showed up and partied on the deck. We had just moved into the house so we really didn't have a yard or fire pit or much. But we had a great big deck with views to match. Everyone brought something to grill because that's what you do. Someone asked John to light the grill and John went into serious mode. If you've seen serious mode in John you knew he meant business. He said no one could use the grill because it was brand new and it would be just wrong to use it before Jack and Hef did. I'm sure everyone just looked at him and just busted a gut laughing thinking "what the hell?"
Well, he was serious. He wouldn't let anyone touch the "virgin" grill and I'm not sure how they cooked but that was just John. Go figure.
Sometimes I would see John on the top of Pali and it would be dumping and his mustache was caked with snow and ice. I would get off the chair and he'd give me a big hug and say "c'mon Hef. I'm gonna show you some of the best powder out here." I'd follow and when we'd get to the ski area boundary he'd duck under the rope. I would put on the breaks and say "John, I'm not going to do it." He'd try to coerce me into ducking under that rope to ski the steep gullies and I wouldn't budge. He would come back and we'd ski down, get on the lift and hike up out of the gate. After all, that's the rules. He would always follow the rules with me. I loved him for that and the Arapahoe Basin Ski Patrol would not believe their eyes. He was capable.
I loved that for some reason I could get him to follow the rules. He has always been such a gentleman around me which I know some never saw that side of him.
Flanagan was a good person and a true friend. I hope I get a chance to tell some of these stories at his service on October 1st.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
All in a Month
It's been a month since I've written anything. It's not because I don't have anything to write about, because I do, but just pure laziness. Sorry to say, it's in my blood. I don't like my laziness.
Lot's have taken place in a month. Here's a quick update.
Lot's have taken place in a month. Here's a quick update.
- lots and lots of work
- registered Jordan for high school
- registered Hannah for 7th grade
- got our hair cuts (over $100 worth)
- Jordan started high school and says she loves it
- Hannah started 7th grade and says she loves it
- Jordan joined the speech and debate team
- Hannah is playing volleyball
- Hannah finished up her mountain bike racing, winning the last race and coming in 3rd overall
- rode my bike up Webster Pass, twice
- had a bear on our deck
- saw a bear two weeks later
- first snow on Greys and Torry's (fourteener's close by)
- took a bunch of naps (because of my laziness)
- shed a few tears (because my teenager makes me cry)
- drank some wine (because I need it)
- watched the East coast devastation on the weather channel, and still am
- went for a hike up to the meadow in Deer Creek
- went for a few runs
- juiced
- met with a few of Jordan's high school teachers
- got a crown on a tooth
- sold our camper and shed a tear over seeing it rolling down the road behind a different truck.
- signed Hannah up for violin lessons
- Jack turned 51 (he looks 31, damn him)
- my Mom would have turned 78
- went to Denver and shopped with the girls in the mall and had a blast.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Peru Creek
I could have slept my afternoon away but didn't. I'm just wiped out from work this week. Busy nights make for late nights so after I get home and wind down I don't get to sleep until well after 1 a.m. I'm a little burnt out. Today the girls and I slept in after a very busy weekend. At around one in the afternoon we had all showered and the girls were pouting because they were bored and wanted to go shopping for new school stuff and I knew that going down the hill was not going to happen since I had to be to work at 3:30. I had an idea. I suggested we get in my car and drive up Peru Creek and see the Columbines in bloom. I wanted to ride the bikes but that was not happening with the little time we had. So, we got in my car and drove to Peru Creek. The road is in good shape until you come to the first river crossing. The parking lot wasn't crowded with a bunch of trailers so I knew there wouldn't be much traffic up there. We drove up and up and passed a few hikers with their dogs and a couple of jeeps but that was it. We got to the grave and parked the car. I told the girls we didn't have time to go any further. We got out and paid our respects to the two little girls who are buried on the side of the road. There is a head stone dated back to the 1800's and the two little girls were just 3 years old when they died. We're riding our bikes back up tomorrow since we didn't make it to the columbines and I will take a picture and post it. Hopefully the Columbines are still going strong.
We headed back down and talked about the history and the mining that took place back then. We are all amazed at how tough those people must have been.
For not having a plan and me being so tired it turned into a special couple of hours with my daughters. I love them for taking such an interest in this amazing area we call home.
We headed back down and talked about the history and the mining that took place back then. We are all amazed at how tough those people must have been.
For not having a plan and me being so tired it turned into a special couple of hours with my daughters. I love them for taking such an interest in this amazing area we call home.
Sunday, August 7, 2011

I feel like so much of my time spent, while I'm awake, is laughing. Especially at work. We laugh a lot. Not the stupid, giddy, annoying laugh. It's real belly aching, honest to God, laughing. I'm grateful for that. I hope that when I get old, easy, I'm not old yet, I have some great laugh lines because I sure worked, I mean, laughed for them.
Work tonight was another laugh fest even though we were slamming busy. It was almost so busy that I could have cried but instead, we all turned it around and the jokes were flying, the humor was crude, because it is after all the restaurant business. The laughs were plenty and we all are so funny we just can't stand it.
Some day I will write a sitcom about my job. It'll be better than any other sitcom on TV.
You will laugh your asses off.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Fun in the Sun
I grew up in a neighborhood and summertime was a time for riding bikes up and down the street and usually the neighborhood kids would all jump on the band wagon and within an hour there were 10 kids yelling and laughing and playing and many times that house that everyone ended up at was our house. My parents were smart. They bought a ping pong table and we had it set up in our garage. We had a basketball net. We had a great house for hanging out at and my parents liked the fact that we were there, especially my Mom so she could listen to our conversations and most especially so she could keep an eye on us. Now that I'm a Mom I want everyone to hang out up at our house. Our house isn't a convenient place to hang out at. We are the last house on the road and a mile and a half away from the town. It's uphill, and a hard uphill, for kids to ride to. But, none the less, the kids are here today and having a ball. Even the dog is happy out there with them. They are playing volleyball, soccer, swinging in the hammock, swinging on the tire swing, zipping on the zip line over the river and, of course, Jack has a bonfire going. Even though I'm not out there with them, I can hear the laughter and the fun they are having. It's bringing back some very wonderful memories of growing up and having the time of my life.
I hope our kids remember how great they have it. It's paradise up here.
I hope our kids remember how great they have it. It's paradise up here.
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Other Half
Apparently, that is what some would call someone like me. This goes along with my title on another blog post, "Going against the grain."
I have always been going against the grain since I was a little kid. I was suppose to be this cute little girlie girl and yet I was more dirty after a hard days play than my brother's. I was suppose to wear dresses to school in 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades because that is what little girls did only I would bring long pants to school and slap those babies on under my dress, over my tights and boy did I feel good when I got those pants on. I was suppose to behave but never did. I just liked to rebel and when it was time to go to college, I went but dropped pretty much every class and partied like a rock star. What a great time college was for me. Then, I decided that I needed to become a ski bum. I would, once again, go against the grain and do something I probably should not do because I should settle down and get married to my then boyfriend and live my live. NOPE! I was antsy and needed to not do what was expected of me by society, not my parents. My parents loved my free spirit, after I made their life hell. Once I was old enough to do my own thing they couldn't have been more supportive. I love them for that. So, ski bumming it was and still is. Kind of. I mean, we are raising our own little ski bums and we have made a great live for ourselves here. We don't ski every day, all day, anymore. Well, Jack does but that's another blog. Anywho, tonight I waited on a 4 top who just didn't get it. They were above and beyond, well, me for one. Clearly they were very educated and "worldly" and they had no clue as to how pretentious they were. After listening to their conversation all night they were talking about school, Yale in particular. I figured this guy was a Yale graduate and I had the urge to say, "Hey, did you go to Yale? My brother got his masters degree from Yale. Perhaps you know him", but I didn't. Their conversation went something like this. Blah, blah, blah, and most who get their education blah, blah, blah. Then you have those who don't get an education and blah, blah, blah and life is like blah, blah, blah but that must be how the OTHER HALF is."
Yes, I am the other half.
Yes, sometimes I just have to write this stuff just to defend myself and my choices in life. Why? I don't know I just do. Maybe you're one who uses this term about people like me. The term 'The Other Half" meaning people who aren't like you. I say, "GET OVER YOURSELVES!"
I guarantee my half is full and yours is empty.
I have always been going against the grain since I was a little kid. I was suppose to be this cute little girlie girl and yet I was more dirty after a hard days play than my brother's. I was suppose to wear dresses to school in 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades because that is what little girls did only I would bring long pants to school and slap those babies on under my dress, over my tights and boy did I feel good when I got those pants on. I was suppose to behave but never did. I just liked to rebel and when it was time to go to college, I went but dropped pretty much every class and partied like a rock star. What a great time college was for me. Then, I decided that I needed to become a ski bum. I would, once again, go against the grain and do something I probably should not do because I should settle down and get married to my then boyfriend and live my live. NOPE! I was antsy and needed to not do what was expected of me by society, not my parents. My parents loved my free spirit, after I made their life hell. Once I was old enough to do my own thing they couldn't have been more supportive. I love them for that. So, ski bumming it was and still is. Kind of. I mean, we are raising our own little ski bums and we have made a great live for ourselves here. We don't ski every day, all day, anymore. Well, Jack does but that's another blog. Anywho, tonight I waited on a 4 top who just didn't get it. They were above and beyond, well, me for one. Clearly they were very educated and "worldly" and they had no clue as to how pretentious they were. After listening to their conversation all night they were talking about school, Yale in particular. I figured this guy was a Yale graduate and I had the urge to say, "Hey, did you go to Yale? My brother got his masters degree from Yale. Perhaps you know him", but I didn't. Their conversation went something like this. Blah, blah, blah, and most who get their education blah, blah, blah. Then you have those who don't get an education and blah, blah, blah and life is like blah, blah, blah but that must be how the OTHER HALF is."
Yes, I am the other half.
Yes, sometimes I just have to write this stuff just to defend myself and my choices in life. Why? I don't know I just do. Maybe you're one who uses this term about people like me. The term 'The Other Half" meaning people who aren't like you. I say, "GET OVER YOURSELVES!"
I guarantee my half is full and yours is empty.
The Heat We Are Not Experiencing

Everyone is complaining about the heat. Everyone but us. I'm actually curled up in a blanket every morning and night and the other day I had to turn the heat on in my kitchen. Most everyone who comes into the restaurant is from Texas or Arkansas or Arizona or somewhere where it is 110 degrees. It's the same story for everyone. You just can't do anything in that heat.
Last night as I was driving home from work, with my heat on, there was frost on the bushes on the side of the road. I couldn't believe it. But, with the rain we have been having it's no wonder. It gets chilly here at night and it's coming. It meaning WINTER. I hate to say it but as fast as June and July went, I don't want to think about it. I could use some stinking, sweating, sweltering hotness.
I'm sorry for all of the people who are experiencing the awful heat. I'm not sure I can do that for an extended period of time. Costa Rica was hot last summer but never 100 degrees hot. And we lived near the ocean. We were in the water for 3 months straight. Heaven.
So, those of you who are trying to beat the heat, come to the mountains for a week or move to Costa Rica and live by the ocean.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Going Against the Grain

Today was all about doing things I don't usually think of doing.
For the past 8 months, or whenever they announced the grand opening for Ikea, I have had the date penciled in my calendar. As I turned the page to July, back on the first, I got all excited because there it was, in pencil, that Ikea was opening. I wrote that, "Ikea Opening" in the July 27th box.
I actually held myself to it. I set my alarm for 7am. Jordan, the night before, told me she didn't want to go. I was glad because I knew that she would be a total buzz kill for my big day. No offense but if you knew Jordan you'd understand. She just doesn't have a good time doing the unknown and it's more stressful for her and big crowds, forget it. Hannah on the other hand was a little wishy washy and didn't know if she wanted to go or not so I had Jack wake her up and ask her and she was up and adam and looking forward to it. She grabbed her violin and put it in the car. Hannah is so organized that she figured we could stop at the violin place and have it tuned and get the reed thing fixed. I told her that Ikea was the priority and if we had time we would. She rolled her eyes.
We got in the car and drove down the driveway at 8:30. It was cold out so we cranked the heat. It's July for cripes sake.
The drive to Denver was quick and once we got to our turn off for Ikea the signs were directing us where to go. It was all smooth and quick until we got in the traffic line leading into the Ikea parking lot. What a slow moving drag that was. And then you have your sneaks acting like they are driving past you on another mission only to try to jockey in front of you and get 10 or so cars ahead of the line. Sorry old man and wife who was yelling at you. I just couldn't sit in that line for 20 min and you just drive up and think I'll let you in. I was on a mission too. Plus, I was sweating like a pig, because I refuse to turn on the AC because I seem to have some weird thing against it. But I had not problem cranking that heat in the morning. Hannah and I were singing and laughing and I told her to get her violin out and stand on the curb and make some money. She kindly told me her bow was torn and it was out of tune.
Finally, we got to park. We got out of the car and the car next to us was a mother/daughter/baby team and I shut my door and Hannah shut her door and I said, "OH MY GOSH, Hannah. I forgot my wallet!!" I thought that other mother was going to die. I thought she was going to give me her wallet she felt so bad for us. I was teasing, of course, and we all had a great laugh. I told grandma that we had just drove 100 miles for this. She couldn't believe it.
We walked in and the news was there. We boarded the escalator with our handy Ikea loot bags and turned around and smiled and waved for the camera but they were taking them down. We hit the bathrooms, after standing in that line for 10 minutes and we were ready. It was so crowded.
We started walking and everyone was bumping into us and it was hard to maneuver around. We got some great ideas and kept walking and it seemed everyone was going to the same place. I figured it was the food court. After we got into the 3rd theme room I saw that there were arrows on the floor and we were walking against those darn arrows. Of course Ikea would have one way to walk. They are the King/Queens of organization. We were walking Ikea backwards and not doing it right. I figured, heck, I'm not turning my butt around to get cattle herded through this store like they want it. I'm going to see Ikea the way I want to. I already am doing the exact opposite thing I am comfortable with and that is shopping at a Grand Opening for a huge store and driving 100 miles to boot. I am going to go against the grain and walk that damn store the wrong way. So there.
Well, we survived and we figured out how to see everything we wanted to see and we spent $37 on some fine items. The check out line was the worst and Hannah was ready to pass out. She was cranky. We walked to our car and the funny thing is, The mother/daughter/ baby team were just getting back to their car too. We had a good laugh with them again.
We drove out of Ikea and headed over to Home Depot and had ourselves a hot dog and a coke and sat outside on the picnic table and enjoyed the moment.
It was a fun day but I won't go to another Grand Opening again. Unless I get some free schwag.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
This May Offend
This week has been a very busy week, work wise. It's good. The money has been great and I am getting hours. Attitudes are good, although we are getting "short" with each other over the little things at work. We're all like brother's and sister's who need to have a spat or two. Nothing major but you can tell when we are busy and we are working a lot. We get serious about our jobs and we turn into worker bees and get all focused on the task at hand. Our humor isn't as free and the job turns into a job. We have had nice people in with the occasional doink who just shouldn't go out to dinner, but we all have learned how to deal with those people pretty well.
Tonight we had a huge banquet for 120 people. Now, most restaurants can accommodate that many people no problem. We can too when the weather is good. We have the best patio around with views to die for. Well, it rained on their parade tonight so it was a bit tricky to disperse 120 people for cocktails for an hour in our quaint lodge. The fires were lit, as they are every night and the doors and windows were all open and the weather was amazing. I haven't seen rain like that since we lived in Costa Rica last summer. It was crazy. And the lightning was incredible. What a show. We all were having fun and we were all laughing about last night.
I, which everyone does eventually, screwed up my words at a table last night and it was funny. I had a 4-top sit down and I went up to the table and did my spiel. I told them about the bread, the wine list, and the menu. I told them I would give them a few minutes and if they had any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. They asked. One of the men asked me what Fois Gras was. That was our appetizer for the evening. Fois Gras is duck liver but when you usually say LIVER to people they immediately get grossed out. It's different than LIVER and it's amazing. I love Fois Gras. Anywho, the guy asked me what it was and I was standing at the table all proper and my reply was, "Well sir, it's dick lover." I actually said dick lover to this guy. I immediately knew I had just said dick lover and corrected myself and told him it was duck liver. Then I proceeded to tell him how it just melts in your mouth and if he has never had it he should try it. Well, he ordered the Fois Gras. I went back into the kitchen told everyone what I had just said. You can imagine the laughs I got and Chef loved that one. We were all still laughing about it tonight.
At the end of the night last night our kitchen crew, who are so nice, asked me how my night was. I replied, "my night was great because I got to say DICK LOVER to my table."
I love my job.
Tonight we had a huge banquet for 120 people. Now, most restaurants can accommodate that many people no problem. We can too when the weather is good. We have the best patio around with views to die for. Well, it rained on their parade tonight so it was a bit tricky to disperse 120 people for cocktails for an hour in our quaint lodge. The fires were lit, as they are every night and the doors and windows were all open and the weather was amazing. I haven't seen rain like that since we lived in Costa Rica last summer. It was crazy. And the lightning was incredible. What a show. We all were having fun and we were all laughing about last night.
I, which everyone does eventually, screwed up my words at a table last night and it was funny. I had a 4-top sit down and I went up to the table and did my spiel. I told them about the bread, the wine list, and the menu. I told them I would give them a few minutes and if they had any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. They asked. One of the men asked me what Fois Gras was. That was our appetizer for the evening. Fois Gras is duck liver but when you usually say LIVER to people they immediately get grossed out. It's different than LIVER and it's amazing. I love Fois Gras. Anywho, the guy asked me what it was and I was standing at the table all proper and my reply was, "Well sir, it's dick lover." I actually said dick lover to this guy. I immediately knew I had just said dick lover and corrected myself and told him it was duck liver. Then I proceeded to tell him how it just melts in your mouth and if he has never had it he should try it. Well, he ordered the Fois Gras. I went back into the kitchen told everyone what I had just said. You can imagine the laughs I got and Chef loved that one. We were all still laughing about it tonight.
At the end of the night last night our kitchen crew, who are so nice, asked me how my night was. I replied, "my night was great because I got to say DICK LOVER to my table."
I love my job.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Too Many Deaths
Another tragedy hit Summit County this week. It's too much. Another life was taken at too young of an age. My heart is breaking for Carol and the kids. They are friends of ours and they have 4 kids. Billy was kayaking down the Blue River and died doing what he loved to do. I had read in our local newspaper that someone had died on the Blue and they hadn't released the name. Hannah and I dropped Jordan off at the movies, went to the farmers market in Dillon and I bumped into some friends and, of course, everyone was hoping it was someone we didn't know. We were all talking about the death of the kayaker in the Blue. Well, we do know him and now we are dealing with another death in our tight knit community. The service will be Thursday at Copper Mountain. The last time I saw Billy was at Leif's service in Keystone. We shared a hug and some sadness.
Life is way too short. Hug your kids, your family, your friends, your pets, yourself.
Life is way too short. Hug your kids, your family, your friends, your pets, yourself.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Amazing Race
My good friend, Deb, called me a couple of weeks ago and told me we are applying for the reality show "The Amazing Race." Now, I'm not a big fan of reality shows but I do watch this one and I like it. I've never imagined myself on the show, never had any desire to be on the show, never thought of myself as going through the trouble to apply. I am the spectator and like sitting on my couch judging how everyone else does it and stating my opinion with my family while watching.
Now, I'm making a video, filling out the application, with my good friend Deb, tonight, to be on the show. This is something that she has wanted to do and she has already applied once, with another one of our friends but didn't get picked. We won't get picked either but what the heck.
My selling point will be that I am now off of my bio identical hormone creams because I can't afford them anymore and I am once again a crazy person that needs to win $1,000,000,000 so I can be a peaceful person again. A million bucks could go along way in my life.
Our name, which Deb doesn't know yet, will be the BMW's, short for The Bitchin' Mountain Women. Perfect huh? I'm sure we would be dubbed The Bitchin' Moanin' Women at some point. Maybe we could even be sponsored by BMW. Do you get sponsored for The Amazing Race?
So, send some good energy our way and cross your fingers that we will be picked for the Amazing Race. It would be good TV. I can guarantee that.
Now, I'm making a video, filling out the application, with my good friend Deb, tonight, to be on the show. This is something that she has wanted to do and she has already applied once, with another one of our friends but didn't get picked. We won't get picked either but what the heck.
My selling point will be that I am now off of my bio identical hormone creams because I can't afford them anymore and I am once again a crazy person that needs to win $1,000,000,000 so I can be a peaceful person again. A million bucks could go along way in my life.
Our name, which Deb doesn't know yet, will be the BMW's, short for The Bitchin' Mountain Women. Perfect huh? I'm sure we would be dubbed The Bitchin' Moanin' Women at some point. Maybe we could even be sponsored by BMW. Do you get sponsored for The Amazing Race?
So, send some good energy our way and cross your fingers that we will be picked for the Amazing Race. It would be good TV. I can guarantee that.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
So Much to Learn So Little Time
I can't get enough. Everyday, it seems, something I see or watch on TV or hear in conversation is something I need to know more about. I wish I were this way back when I was going to school. The drive to know would have been a good thing for my grades in high school. And, that day in college?? That was the best day of my life (ha) but I sure didn't apply myself to those books.
Anywho, I love learning and the convenience of the computer has made my life so much easier to get information.
Take, for instance, extreme couponing. I watched the show because I decided I was going to save on our groceries and if I learned how to coupon effectively I could get everything I buy at the store for free. Such a deal. The show was extreme, hence the name. Those people are crazy and eat like crap and have a hoarding issue. Besides the point though. I still wanted to save and decided to go to all of the coupon websites that looked reputable and get coupons at the click of a key. Well, I am saving but my goal of getting my groceries for free is never going to happen. However, I learned that I can download my coupons directly onto my value card. Convenience? You bet. I love that.
I look around my house and wonder how I can fix this or change that or better the other. All I have to do is type it in and there are a gazillion you tube videos on it and more. I am going to reupholster my wing back chairs, one day. The herb garden I started in my pots, not doing well but well enough. I'll google why they are suffering. My guess is the altitude. What essential oils will get rid of the critters eating my poppy's? I looked that up and now my poppy's are almost ready to bloom.
I woke up this morning with the goal of learning to play "Train, Train" on my harmonica. I will you tube myself when I do. But first, I have some coupons that are going to expire and I need to get them used up.
Anywho, I love learning and the convenience of the computer has made my life so much easier to get information.
Take, for instance, extreme couponing. I watched the show because I decided I was going to save on our groceries and if I learned how to coupon effectively I could get everything I buy at the store for free. Such a deal. The show was extreme, hence the name. Those people are crazy and eat like crap and have a hoarding issue. Besides the point though. I still wanted to save and decided to go to all of the coupon websites that looked reputable and get coupons at the click of a key. Well, I am saving but my goal of getting my groceries for free is never going to happen. However, I learned that I can download my coupons directly onto my value card. Convenience? You bet. I love that.
I look around my house and wonder how I can fix this or change that or better the other. All I have to do is type it in and there are a gazillion you tube videos on it and more. I am going to reupholster my wing back chairs, one day. The herb garden I started in my pots, not doing well but well enough. I'll google why they are suffering. My guess is the altitude. What essential oils will get rid of the critters eating my poppy's? I looked that up and now my poppy's are almost ready to bloom.
I woke up this morning with the goal of learning to play "Train, Train" on my harmonica. I will you tube myself when I do. But first, I have some coupons that are going to expire and I need to get them used up.
Friday, July 8, 2011
What a Difference a Pharmacist Makes
Yesterday I had a very frustrating day dealing with a pharmacist. I thought a pharmacist is suppose to be helpful, knowledgeable and caring, especially when you are on a serious medication. Not the case the with new gal at our Target.
I went to get a prescription refilled for my daughter last week and I was given a coupon for a free trial offer since the medication is $250 for 14 tabs. Who can afford that?? Well, I went to pick up the meds and the doc hadn't called it in yet. I asked if they could call the doc but no can do. No problem, I would. I made the call on my cell phone and docs office was on lunch. Now, when I'm 'down the hill' it's a long way from my home. I had to go to work so back home to get ready and get to work. I send Jack to pick up the meds at 5, since he had an errand to do down there and told him that the last time I was in there the gal said to just give our name and they had the coupon for us. Jack followed my instructions and they, he said, acted like he was trying to get meds that weren't for him. He gave them the info, didn't have our prescription card, which is on file in their computer, and yet they sent him away saying they couldn't help him. Yesterday I go back with coupon in hand, and prescription card and speak to the guy on the floor. His name tag said trainer so I knew this would be hard. He got the mean gal to help and she basically looked at me and said that the coupon I had didn't have any information on it and shrugged her shoulders. I explained that this was day 4 now that my daughter had not been on her medication and what are my options because I didn't have $250 to fork out waiting for samples from my doc. Not her problem. Shrugging shoulders again. I asked if she could call my docs office and ask them if they had any info on billing and I was doing my best to get her help. Nope. She could not call the docs office because in her words, "they don't know." I looked at her and stared waiting for her to understand that this is now becoming a power trip and she could care less about the well being of my daughter. My eyes started to tear up and I was shaking. I said thank you very much to her and walked away with her and her co worker staring at me with little smirks on their faces. She just would not help me.
I called the docs office and she offered to call this into another pharmacist. I went now to the other pharmacy and got a totally different treatment. The coupon was the same issue but she was not about to let me go without solving this issue and her main concern was that my daughter didn't go another day without taking her meds. She called my docs office and the Target pharmacy to speak with the pharmacist about the prescription, only to be put on hold for 10 minutes and they never took her call. She was helping me and clearly had compassion for the issue that my daughter was out of medication and it was an exorbitant amount of money that I didn't have. Given the fact I had a free coupon for a 30 day supply she was not going to let that go unnoticed. She ended up giving me one dose for the day and said she would call me today after she made some phone calls. She did and she couldn't have been more helpful.
Bottom line is that the unhelpful pharmacist was just that. Unhelpful and she could have cared less. The helpful pharmacist was just that. Very helpful and she definitely cared about what she was doing. I am thankful for her. I made mistakes in this and the holiday weekend was not something I planned for. I take responsibility for that and I did call the company directly to get the info for the billing. Easy enough when you have a computer at your fingertips as the Target pharmacist did.
It's done. My prescriptions are no longer being picked up at Target.
I went to get a prescription refilled for my daughter last week and I was given a coupon for a free trial offer since the medication is $250 for 14 tabs. Who can afford that?? Well, I went to pick up the meds and the doc hadn't called it in yet. I asked if they could call the doc but no can do. No problem, I would. I made the call on my cell phone and docs office was on lunch. Now, when I'm 'down the hill' it's a long way from my home. I had to go to work so back home to get ready and get to work. I send Jack to pick up the meds at 5, since he had an errand to do down there and told him that the last time I was in there the gal said to just give our name and they had the coupon for us. Jack followed my instructions and they, he said, acted like he was trying to get meds that weren't for him. He gave them the info, didn't have our prescription card, which is on file in their computer, and yet they sent him away saying they couldn't help him. Yesterday I go back with coupon in hand, and prescription card and speak to the guy on the floor. His name tag said trainer so I knew this would be hard. He got the mean gal to help and she basically looked at me and said that the coupon I had didn't have any information on it and shrugged her shoulders. I explained that this was day 4 now that my daughter had not been on her medication and what are my options because I didn't have $250 to fork out waiting for samples from my doc. Not her problem. Shrugging shoulders again. I asked if she could call my docs office and ask them if they had any info on billing and I was doing my best to get her help. Nope. She could not call the docs office because in her words, "they don't know." I looked at her and stared waiting for her to understand that this is now becoming a power trip and she could care less about the well being of my daughter. My eyes started to tear up and I was shaking. I said thank you very much to her and walked away with her and her co worker staring at me with little smirks on their faces. She just would not help me.
I called the docs office and she offered to call this into another pharmacist. I went now to the other pharmacy and got a totally different treatment. The coupon was the same issue but she was not about to let me go without solving this issue and her main concern was that my daughter didn't go another day without taking her meds. She called my docs office and the Target pharmacy to speak with the pharmacist about the prescription, only to be put on hold for 10 minutes and they never took her call. She was helping me and clearly had compassion for the issue that my daughter was out of medication and it was an exorbitant amount of money that I didn't have. Given the fact I had a free coupon for a 30 day supply she was not going to let that go unnoticed. She ended up giving me one dose for the day and said she would call me today after she made some phone calls. She did and she couldn't have been more helpful.
Bottom line is that the unhelpful pharmacist was just that. Unhelpful and she could have cared less. The helpful pharmacist was just that. Very helpful and she definitely cared about what she was doing. I am thankful for her. I made mistakes in this and the holiday weekend was not something I planned for. I take responsibility for that and I did call the company directly to get the info for the billing. Easy enough when you have a computer at your fingertips as the Target pharmacist did.
It's done. My prescriptions are no longer being picked up at Target.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Are You Ready to Rumble?
Fourth of July is my favorite holiday by far. No stress, no gifts, no cards, no baking. Just grill something up, whip together a salad or two, cut up come watermelon and crack a beer. It' that easy. Oh, and did I mention, all you usually need to wear are flip flops and a sundress? It's just bliss.
Yesterday, I had a near perfect day. I woke up at 9, poured myself a cup of coffee and enjoyed the sound of our river and the sunshine. I knew it was going to be a good day. Plus, I had the day off. The girls rode their bikes to town and I worked in the yard and cleaned up a bunch of shit. Literally, dog poop. Not from Teller because ever since he was a puppy I have no idea where he takes his business. He's very considerate though and must wander far off into the woods because it's never been a problem. Scooby, on the other hand, is not so considerate. He's now 3 months old and still comes up to our area to do his business. We love Scooby. He's our renter's puppy and now a part of our family. He'll figure it out. But I did spend the entire morning scolding him for digging up my flowers, running away with my glove, biting the hose, humping my back as I was bent over weeding. I forgot how high maintenance a puppy is. He was NAUGHTY today. He finally had enough running around and being up to shenanigans and went to take a nap with Teller. I got on my bike and rode to town to see what the girls were up to. They had set up a lemonade stand at the only stop sign in town, smart, and were killing it. After a hard day of selling lemonade they made $47.00. Now, I don't know about you but when I sold lemonade I barely made anything. They had to split their profit 5 ways and pay back the cost for the lemonade but still. Good job.
I rode up Puru Creek via the high road and it was gorgeous to say the least. My legs were already killing me because I had worked out to P90X, legs and back, and got my bags packed. Needless to say when I got home I was pretty whooped. I got in the tub and soaked.
The plan was, was to go to Dillon for the music at the amphitheater. Well, once I got out of the tub, poured a glass of wine and sat on my beautiful deck for a bit it was 5 and no one was even home yet. Jack and the girls got home at 5:30 and Jack's words were, "Hef, I love you lots but I am NOT going back down the hill to sit with 1000 people." I agreed. Our back yard is too beautiful and since we weren't here all last summer to enjoy it we sure are taking advantage of it this summer. We built a fire and started the coals and grilled and had dinner in our back yard, by the fire, next to the river, just the 4 of us. Can you say HEAVEN?
After dinner the girls set up the croquet set and I cleaned up and Jack chilled. The girls wanted to roast smores and asked if we could call the neighbors. Sure. We did and some folks from town came up and we sat around the fire. Greg came home and he had just purchased a few hundred dollars worth of fireworks so he went to the apartment and got a couple of boxes of his goods and put on a super great fire work show for us. The kids, all 5 of them, lay on the grass and laughed and screamed and were being total kids in the summer. It was awesome.
All through the mountains you could hear the pop and booms and rumbles from fireworks. We were livin' the dream, once again.
Someone looked at their watch and it was 11 pm. Time to let the fire burn out and get to bed.
I posted on my facebook page that if everyday could be like this day, my life would be perfect.
I love the 4th.
Tomorrow, we will continue to Rumble.
Yesterday, I had a near perfect day. I woke up at 9, poured myself a cup of coffee and enjoyed the sound of our river and the sunshine. I knew it was going to be a good day. Plus, I had the day off. The girls rode their bikes to town and I worked in the yard and cleaned up a bunch of shit. Literally, dog poop. Not from Teller because ever since he was a puppy I have no idea where he takes his business. He's very considerate though and must wander far off into the woods because it's never been a problem. Scooby, on the other hand, is not so considerate. He's now 3 months old and still comes up to our area to do his business. We love Scooby. He's our renter's puppy and now a part of our family. He'll figure it out. But I did spend the entire morning scolding him for digging up my flowers, running away with my glove, biting the hose, humping my back as I was bent over weeding. I forgot how high maintenance a puppy is. He was NAUGHTY today. He finally had enough running around and being up to shenanigans and went to take a nap with Teller. I got on my bike and rode to town to see what the girls were up to. They had set up a lemonade stand at the only stop sign in town, smart, and were killing it. After a hard day of selling lemonade they made $47.00. Now, I don't know about you but when I sold lemonade I barely made anything. They had to split their profit 5 ways and pay back the cost for the lemonade but still. Good job.
I rode up Puru Creek via the high road and it was gorgeous to say the least. My legs were already killing me because I had worked out to P90X, legs and back, and got my bags packed. Needless to say when I got home I was pretty whooped. I got in the tub and soaked.
The plan was, was to go to Dillon for the music at the amphitheater. Well, once I got out of the tub, poured a glass of wine and sat on my beautiful deck for a bit it was 5 and no one was even home yet. Jack and the girls got home at 5:30 and Jack's words were, "Hef, I love you lots but I am NOT going back down the hill to sit with 1000 people." I agreed. Our back yard is too beautiful and since we weren't here all last summer to enjoy it we sure are taking advantage of it this summer. We built a fire and started the coals and grilled and had dinner in our back yard, by the fire, next to the river, just the 4 of us. Can you say HEAVEN?
After dinner the girls set up the croquet set and I cleaned up and Jack chilled. The girls wanted to roast smores and asked if we could call the neighbors. Sure. We did and some folks from town came up and we sat around the fire. Greg came home and he had just purchased a few hundred dollars worth of fireworks so he went to the apartment and got a couple of boxes of his goods and put on a super great fire work show for us. The kids, all 5 of them, lay on the grass and laughed and screamed and were being total kids in the summer. It was awesome.
All through the mountains you could hear the pop and booms and rumbles from fireworks. We were livin' the dream, once again.
Someone looked at their watch and it was 11 pm. Time to let the fire burn out and get to bed.
I posted on my facebook page that if everyday could be like this day, my life would be perfect.
I love the 4th.
Tomorrow, we will continue to Rumble.
Friday, July 1, 2011
July 1st, 2011
It's hard to believe that it's already July. It's the best month up here. The peaks still are covered with snow but my yard is completely melted with the exception of a few piles of snow in the shady areas. It's been in the 70's with an occasional 80 degree day. The weather couldn't be more perfect. I love summer.
Here are some highlights already.
Jordan turned 15.
Survived a day taking 5 teenage girls to Glenwood Springs for a day at the pool then back here for a sleepover.
Nana came for a visit.
Got our house stained and the trim painted.
After 9 years not having a washing machine in my house I finally have one. Thanks Jack.
After 4 years of not being able to clean my oven or cook a turkey because the thing overheats and locks up, it's fixed. I cleaned my oven yesterday for the first time in 4 years. Thanks Jack.
Scooby, Greg's puppy (he's our renter), is growing and finally Teller and him are buddies. It took awhile for Teller to tolerate him.
Hannah rode Blaire Witch.
Rode the alpine slide in Breckenridge. So fun.
Started working out to P90X.
Made $260 at my garage sale and my shed has never been so empty. But, I'll never do it again. I'm not the garage sale type. I love to go to them but not have them.
Got my Petunias planted.
Washed the windows.
Purged the clothes I haven't worn in over a year.
Put away the ski clothes. Why I do that I don't know. We'll be skiing again in no time.
These may not seem like highlights to you but they are in my life and it's only July 1.
Happy July 1st.
Here are some highlights already.
Jordan turned 15.
Survived a day taking 5 teenage girls to Glenwood Springs for a day at the pool then back here for a sleepover.
Nana came for a visit.
Got our house stained and the trim painted.
After 9 years not having a washing machine in my house I finally have one. Thanks Jack.
After 4 years of not being able to clean my oven or cook a turkey because the thing overheats and locks up, it's fixed. I cleaned my oven yesterday for the first time in 4 years. Thanks Jack.
Scooby, Greg's puppy (he's our renter), is growing and finally Teller and him are buddies. It took awhile for Teller to tolerate him.
Hannah rode Blaire Witch.
Rode the alpine slide in Breckenridge. So fun.
Started working out to P90X.
Made $260 at my garage sale and my shed has never been so empty. But, I'll never do it again. I'm not the garage sale type. I love to go to them but not have them.
Got my Petunias planted.
Washed the windows.
Purged the clothes I haven't worn in over a year.
Put away the ski clothes. Why I do that I don't know. We'll be skiing again in no time.
These may not seem like highlights to you but they are in my life and it's only July 1.
Happy July 1st.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Playing Catch up
I feel like there is so much to write about. I am a little overwhelmed at all of the things that have taken place in my life since May.
After we hiked and spread John's ashes things have been crazy. Since that was the middle of May we were winding down with school and getting ready for summer. Getting ready for summer here is an oxymoron. We call it mud season so there really is no spring and this year was the epitome of that. We had so much snow this past winter that spring never came, aka, mud season. It was winter up until I left for MN.
I ended up flying to MN with Jordan for 4 days. We arrived on a Thursday and the weather was perfect. I met up with a huge group of high school friends at a local bar and it was warm and spring. The rest of the weekend was rainy and there were two tornadoes. One that touched down not far from my Dad's house. Reason number 101 why I moved. We had a ball with my Dad, brother's, cousin's, friends, etc. I have a great family and a great group of friends. Minnesota has never let me down and I wish I could incorporate it into my life more. Reason number 101 why I miss MN soooo much.
We returned from MN May 24th and it was the home stretch for the end of 8th grade for Jordan and 6th grade for Hannah. The 8th grade graduation was a big deal and my little, baby girl couldn't have been more excited. I can't imagine what high school graduation will be like.
Now, we are in the melt down season and what a huge melt down we're having. Last night I drove to work at 3:30 pm and when I got to work I got a call on my phone from a friend saying we could stay at her house if we needed to. I was confused because I hadn't heard of any emergencies and she explained to me that the town of Montezuma was on voluntary evacuation because of a culvert issue that may turn into the closure of the road. If that would have happened, everyone in Montezuma would not be able to drive out and anyone heading to Zuma would not be able to drive in. Not good.
Well, work went on as usual with the constant wondering if we would be able to go home or not. At 11:30, after our shift, we hadn't heard of any road closure so the 3 of us who live in Mtz, headed up the road. We made it safe and sound and I was glad to be home.
More later...
After we hiked and spread John's ashes things have been crazy. Since that was the middle of May we were winding down with school and getting ready for summer. Getting ready for summer here is an oxymoron. We call it mud season so there really is no spring and this year was the epitome of that. We had so much snow this past winter that spring never came, aka, mud season. It was winter up until I left for MN.
I ended up flying to MN with Jordan for 4 days. We arrived on a Thursday and the weather was perfect. I met up with a huge group of high school friends at a local bar and it was warm and spring. The rest of the weekend was rainy and there were two tornadoes. One that touched down not far from my Dad's house. Reason number 101 why I moved. We had a ball with my Dad, brother's, cousin's, friends, etc. I have a great family and a great group of friends. Minnesota has never let me down and I wish I could incorporate it into my life more. Reason number 101 why I miss MN soooo much.
We returned from MN May 24th and it was the home stretch for the end of 8th grade for Jordan and 6th grade for Hannah. The 8th grade graduation was a big deal and my little, baby girl couldn't have been more excited. I can't imagine what high school graduation will be like.
Now, we are in the melt down season and what a huge melt down we're having. Last night I drove to work at 3:30 pm and when I got to work I got a call on my phone from a friend saying we could stay at her house if we needed to. I was confused because I hadn't heard of any emergencies and she explained to me that the town of Montezuma was on voluntary evacuation because of a culvert issue that may turn into the closure of the road. If that would have happened, everyone in Montezuma would not be able to drive out and anyone heading to Zuma would not be able to drive in. Not good.
Well, work went on as usual with the constant wondering if we would be able to go home or not. At 11:30, after our shift, we hadn't heard of any road closure so the 3 of us who live in Mtz, headed up the road. We made it safe and sound and I was glad to be home.
More later...
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Summer, Kind of
Summer is here, I guess. There is still snow on the ground in my yard but it's melting. Yesterday I put up our hammock and after doing some yard work I took a little snooze in it. It was a little chilly but I did get all cozy and fell asleep for about 10 minutes. The river is absulutely raging right now so it was pretty peaceful. Peaceful until I opened up my eyes and looked around at all of the dog poop on the ground, the carnage from all of the parties we had in the back yard, the firework trash, and the glass from our patio table that we never put away, the broken chairs from the heaviness of the snow. ARGH. We were so lazy putting away stuff last year before the snow came and now I'm pissed at myself for it. That table cost me only $40 at Walmart one year and it was a steal. I knew it was a good buy and we used it constantly. It was an excellent, large table that is now history. Bummer.
I started raking and picking up and organizing and the dry part of my yard now looks pretty good. I never cut back my flowers last fall either so I got all of that cleaned up. I am super excited to garden since last year I didn't plant one flower or weed one garden. I have a lot of work to do in my yard and I am looking forward to it.
Welcome summer. Stay for awhile.
I started raking and picking up and organizing and the dry part of my yard now looks pretty good. I never cut back my flowers last fall either so I got all of that cleaned up. I am super excited to garden since last year I didn't plant one flower or weed one garden. I have a lot of work to do in my yard and I am looking forward to it.
Welcome summer. Stay for awhile.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Our Last Day with John
Yesterday was an incredibly, amazing day. It was a day to get together with friends, make new friends, and spread some of John Flanagan's ashes. Jack and Tanner had been in contact after John's death and decided to have a day hiking and skiing and it seemed only appropriate to do just that in honor of John. After all, that is what he lived for and we were going to bring him back to the tops of the peaks he so dearly loved with the biggest passion I have ever seen.
Jack drove to the basin at around 6 in the morning to get a beach spot. He was the first car in line so when they opened up the parking lot not only did Jack get prime pickin's, the honchos at The Basin set up some cones to save us more spots. We got 5 spots in a row and by 8 the lot was filled and we were all getting on our sunscreen and getting our gear together. People kept on showing up and we all loaded the lift and made our way to the top of the mountain. We got off the lift on the top of Lenewee and started our hike up. There must have been 40 or 50 people that came out to honor John. We crested the first peak and now the pack was spreading out a bit. It was a sight to see with every one's skis or boards strapped to their packs, everyone in their own thoughts. People resting, people singing and talking, people taking pictures, people taking baby steps one careful step at a time. I was breathing so hard but I wasn't holding anyone up so that made me feel good. There were no ego's, nobody was aggro, it was just serene, happy, sad, beautiful. We got to the top of Chihuahua and Tanner, John's son, had John's ashes in a box and he was taking handfuls and throwing them into the wind over the mountain. Then, Tanner let anyone who wanted to, take a handful and spread some ashes. No one was talking really. It was quiet and there were some hoots and hollers, and words of inspiration and, of course, the bottles of Jameson were going around. The wind was blowing in just the right direction so his ashes were whisked away over the mountain, in front of us so we could watch them disappear in the thin air. It was pretty special.
Now, it was time to ski. The skiing was steep and vast and there were people ripping it up. It was exhilarating to say the least. The adrenaline in that valley was felt throughout everyone of us as well as the good energy. It was a feeling I have never experienced. We all got to the bottom of Chihuahua and the bottles of Jameson came out and plenty of pictures were taken. After a bit it was time to hike up to the top of Marjorie Bowl for one more ski.
Eddie, Jack, Whoosie and I decided to bust a move and get in front of the conga line. The steps up the steep mountain were perfect and looking back at everyone below us, back in our own thoughts, songs, conversations, was amazing to look at. I took it all in and kept snapping pictures of our conga line. We were all slowly hiking up and up and up and I'm glad I remembered to look around a lot. Sometimes I get so concentrated on my hike that I don't even lift my head and I miss out on the views. Not this day.
We all congregated on the top and once again, Jameson came around and Tanner brought out John's ashes and this time I got to take my handful and throw some of them into the wind and watch them disappear. Some people were skiing back down for another hike up, some just hanging out on top taking it all in. But we were all so happy and peaceful and thankful to have the one person who brought us all together to experience this moment. After hanging out in the wind on the top we were getting cold and it was time to ski. Marjorie Bowl is humongous and there were plenty of lines to be had. Everyone waited at the bottom and when another skier would come down the hoots and hollers were abundant. Again, the adrenaline was high and the energy was good. That was it. It was time to go back to our cars and relish in the previous moments. We had a keg and 6 cases of beer donated to us, thanks to Greg and Pugs. Cindy, John's ex-wife and best friend, showed up after a long drive from Telluride. We told her about the hike and what a great kid her and John have. Tanner has more itegrity and is the most humble person I have ever met. What an incredible demeanor he has and he seemed so at peace with the entire day. He was happy and surrounded by a slew of people who dearly love him and his family.
I haven't seen Jack let loose like that ever. He is not much of a partier but with the mood on the beach at The Basin it was pretty hard not to join in on the festivities. John would have wanted nothing less. The booze was plentiful. I decided that I needed to be responsible and start delegating the driving situation. I spoke with the honchos at The Basin and asked them if we could leave some cars up there overnight, seeing as there was no way some were driving. They totally accommodated us and showed me where to start lining up vehicles so I made my rounds and took keys and parked trucks and cars and piled as many people into my car as I could. The party was now going to relocate. To, where else? The Snake.
It was a night to remember, and we ended up in our back yard with a roaring bonfire in the snow.
RIP John. What an amazing day you gave us yesterday.
Me, letting a handful of ashes go with the wind.
One of the conga lines.
Tanner with John's ashes.
Eddie skiing down.
Tanner and others standing at the top, center.
Looking down at the crowd.
Eddie and Jack above me.
Conga line heading up to the top of Marjorie.
Jack drove to the basin at around 6 in the morning to get a beach spot. He was the first car in line so when they opened up the parking lot not only did Jack get prime pickin's, the honchos at The Basin set up some cones to save us more spots. We got 5 spots in a row and by 8 the lot was filled and we were all getting on our sunscreen and getting our gear together. People kept on showing up and we all loaded the lift and made our way to the top of the mountain. We got off the lift on the top of Lenewee and started our hike up. There must have been 40 or 50 people that came out to honor John. We crested the first peak and now the pack was spreading out a bit. It was a sight to see with every one's skis or boards strapped to their packs, everyone in their own thoughts. People resting, people singing and talking, people taking pictures, people taking baby steps one careful step at a time. I was breathing so hard but I wasn't holding anyone up so that made me feel good. There were no ego's, nobody was aggro, it was just serene, happy, sad, beautiful. We got to the top of Chihuahua and Tanner, John's son, had John's ashes in a box and he was taking handfuls and throwing them into the wind over the mountain. Then, Tanner let anyone who wanted to, take a handful and spread some ashes. No one was talking really. It was quiet and there were some hoots and hollers, and words of inspiration and, of course, the bottles of Jameson were going around. The wind was blowing in just the right direction so his ashes were whisked away over the mountain, in front of us so we could watch them disappear in the thin air. It was pretty special.
Now, it was time to ski. The skiing was steep and vast and there were people ripping it up. It was exhilarating to say the least. The adrenaline in that valley was felt throughout everyone of us as well as the good energy. It was a feeling I have never experienced. We all got to the bottom of Chihuahua and the bottles of Jameson came out and plenty of pictures were taken. After a bit it was time to hike up to the top of Marjorie Bowl for one more ski.
Eddie, Jack, Whoosie and I decided to bust a move and get in front of the conga line. The steps up the steep mountain were perfect and looking back at everyone below us, back in our own thoughts, songs, conversations, was amazing to look at. I took it all in and kept snapping pictures of our conga line. We were all slowly hiking up and up and up and I'm glad I remembered to look around a lot. Sometimes I get so concentrated on my hike that I don't even lift my head and I miss out on the views. Not this day.
We all congregated on the top and once again, Jameson came around and Tanner brought out John's ashes and this time I got to take my handful and throw some of them into the wind and watch them disappear. Some people were skiing back down for another hike up, some just hanging out on top taking it all in. But we were all so happy and peaceful and thankful to have the one person who brought us all together to experience this moment. After hanging out in the wind on the top we were getting cold and it was time to ski. Marjorie Bowl is humongous and there were plenty of lines to be had. Everyone waited at the bottom and when another skier would come down the hoots and hollers were abundant. Again, the adrenaline was high and the energy was good. That was it. It was time to go back to our cars and relish in the previous moments. We had a keg and 6 cases of beer donated to us, thanks to Greg and Pugs. Cindy, John's ex-wife and best friend, showed up after a long drive from Telluride. We told her about the hike and what a great kid her and John have. Tanner has more itegrity and is the most humble person I have ever met. What an incredible demeanor he has and he seemed so at peace with the entire day. He was happy and surrounded by a slew of people who dearly love him and his family.
I haven't seen Jack let loose like that ever. He is not much of a partier but with the mood on the beach at The Basin it was pretty hard not to join in on the festivities. John would have wanted nothing less. The booze was plentiful. I decided that I needed to be responsible and start delegating the driving situation. I spoke with the honchos at The Basin and asked them if we could leave some cars up there overnight, seeing as there was no way some were driving. They totally accommodated us and showed me where to start lining up vehicles so I made my rounds and took keys and parked trucks and cars and piled as many people into my car as I could. The party was now going to relocate. To, where else? The Snake.
It was a night to remember, and we ended up in our back yard with a roaring bonfire in the snow.
RIP John. What an amazing day you gave us yesterday.
Me, letting a handful of ashes go with the wind.
One of the conga lines.
Tanner with John's ashes.
Eddie skiing down.
Tanner and others standing at the top, center.
Looking down at the crowd.
Eddie and Jack above me.
Conga line heading up to the top of Marjorie.
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